D I SC IN A F LASH ! IMPA Eastern Region Conference, 2015 Sarah Martyn Crowell
O PENING E XERCISES 1. Color Activity 2. Party Activity 3. Around the Room Activity
D I SC What: a tool to describe an individual’s preferred work style Focus is on behavior Why: improve relationships and enhance communication Better work environment Increased opportunities for effectiveness What DiSC isn’t: A diagnostic tool An excuse: the goal is to modify your behavior to increase effectiveness
R EMEMBER … There are no good or bad styles There is no best style All styles have strengths and limitations All styles can be more or less effective People are a mixture of styles
Active Thoughtful Accepting (People) Questioning (Task) Direct Results-Oriented Firm Strong-willed Forceful Outgoing Enthusiastic Optimistic High-spirited Lively Analytical Reserved Precise Private Systematic Even-tempered Accommodating Patient Humble Tactful
D I SC A SSESSMENT G RAPH Classical Patterns Dominance Developer Result Oriented Inspirational Creative Influence Promoter Persuader Counselor Appraiser Steadiness Specialist Achiever Agent Investigator Conscientiousness Objective Thinker Perfectionist Practitioner
DiSC Drama
DiSC Perspectives Breakout Activity
S TRENGTHS AND F EARS D – results, making it happen i – making connections; cheerleading S – team builder C – accuracy and analytical ability D – loss of control i – social rejection S – unpredictability; being taken advantage of (being treated like a doormat) C – criticism of work; making a mistake Greatest StrengthGreatest Fear
H OW C AN O THERS B EST R ELATE ? D: What? – “Get it done.” i: Who? – “Get recognized” or “Get involved.” S: How? – “Get along.” C: Why? – “Get it right.”
H OW C AN O THERS B EST R ELATE ? D make communication brief and to the point respect their need for autonomy be clear about rules and expectations let them initiate show your competence stick to the topic show independence eliminate time-wasters i approach them informally let them verbalize thoughts and feelings keep the conversation light provide written details give public recognition for individual accomplishments use humor S be systematic in your approach provide a consistent and secure environment let them know how things will be done use sincere appreciation show their importance to the organization let them adapt slowly to change C provide clear expectations and deadlines show dependability demonstrate loyalty be tactful and emotionally reserved allow precedent to be a guide be precise and focused value high standards