Magnesium Bachelor's Capstone in Heath and Wellness HW499 Unit 4 Jessica Boyles
Magnesium Magnesium is a much needed mineral for the body. Our bodies contain about 25 grams of magnesium in which half of it is in our bones. Magnesium accounts for at least 300 chemical reactions to keep the body going.
Magnesium Facts Why do we need Magnesium in the body? For normal body functions. Transportation of other minerals in the body. For proper bone structure growth. Blood sugar control. Blood Pressure regulation.
Magnesium People at risk in being Magnesium deficient also include: People with stomach problems or stomach diseases. Alcohol dependency. Type 2 diabetes. Elderly.
Recommendations on Magnesium Women, especially elderly and african-american women are at risk of being Magnesium deficient. Making sure your diet intake has the recommended amount of Magnesium daily, most high fiber foods contain high amounts of Magnesium in it also. Knowing the signs of being possibly Magnesium deficient. These signs inlcude: Headaches/migraines. Constipation. Asthmatic problems. Pain/Cramps in muscles. Anxiety or fatigue (either way). And many others.
Foods High in Magnesium Nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts). Spinach. Beans (black beans, edamame). Soy Milk. Rice. Potatoes. Yogurt.
Information about Magnesium To find out information like: What it is? How does it work in the body? Safety concerns. Interactions with other supplements, foods, or medications. Dosage to use. Other names associated with Magnesium. Website to check out: U.S. Library of Medicine
Magnesium Resources There are plenty of great information on websites, education sites, and articles that share great information including: Foods with Magnesium in it and the amounts of Magnesium in it. Why we need Magnesium in our body. Supplements that can be taken if you are Magnesium deficient.
Magnesium Resources Continued Some great sites to look through: National Institutes of Health The Natural Way Organic Facts CNN: Magnesium, an invisible deficiency that could be harming your health
Reference Magnesium. (n.d.). Retrieved July 5, HealthProfessional/ HealthProfessional/ Magnesium: MedlinePlus Supplements. (n.d.). Retrieved July 5, Natural Vitality Natural Calm Magnesium Drink. (n.d.). Retrieved July 5, Health Benefits of Magnesium | Organic Facts. (2015, June 19). Retrieved July 5, Barnes, Z. (2015, January 3). Magnesium, an invisible deficiency that could be harming your health. CNN.