SMART BRACE Taylor Ellsworth Advisor: Professor Buma
Motivation and Goal Knee injuries are prevalent in today’s society Rehab programs are not geared towards the specific individual Is there a way to track an individual’s rehab progress?
User Requirements What will the Smart Brace record? Range of Motion Velocity When to use? Rehab Exercises How long to record? 1 Hour Total 2 Minute Exercises User Interface? Max values of Range of Motion and Velocity Plot showing Angle and Velocity vs Time
System Block Diagram
Outside of KneeInside of Knee Potentiometer Gyrometer Arduino Uno
Sensor Potentiometer 5K Ohms Linearity = +/- 0.25% Tolerance = 5% Gyrometer Measurement Scale = +/- 500 degrees/sec
Microcontroller Arduino Uno 14 Digital I/O Pins 2KB SRAM Bluetooth Communication
Data Transmission via Bluetooth Length of Exercise 2 minutes Sampling Rate 100 samples/sec Memory Used Up 0.047KB of SRAM Transmitting Data Package and send 5B of data at a time to Smartphone using Bluetooth
Smartphone App User Display Samsung Galaxy S4 Start/Stop button to begin and end capturing data Max value of knee angle and angular velocity Plot showing Angle and Velocity vs Time
Testing and Schedule Potentiometer/Gyro Using basic circuit and lab equipment Attached to knee brace Obtaining data with microcontroller Send data to laptop Smartphone Application Fall Term: Week 7-10: Test potentiometer/gyro Winter Term: Week 1-5: Transfer of Data to Computer Week 6-8: Transfer of Data to Smartphone App Week 9-10: Final Project Report
Budget ItemPrice Breg Fusion Knee Brace-- Arduino Uno$24.95 SparkFun Bluetooth Modem for Arduino Uno $24.95 Potentiometer$17.35 Gyrometer$ V Battery Snap Connector with Power Plug $1.50 Energizer LA522 Batter – 9V $6.95 Samsung Galaxy S4-- Total Cost$125.65
Microcontroller Arduino Uno Digital I/O Pins14 Analog Input Pins6 Flash Memory32 KB SRAM2 KB Weight25 g Size58.6 mm x 53.4 mm
Potentiometer ETI Systems 882-MW22B-3-5K Resistance5K Ohms Linearity+/- 0.25% Tolerance5% Number of Turns3 Weight0.8 oz Size1.57” x 0.88”
Gyrometer SparkFun Tri-Axis Breakout L3G4200D Measurement Scales+/- 250, +/- 500, +/ Sensitivity17.50 mdps/digit Supply Voltage2.4V-3.6V Size2.3cm x 1.75cm