Target: I will be able to explain why teens smoke and the negative effects of using tobacco long term, short term and while pregnant. Pg. 97 Why Do Teens Start Smoking? 1.Peer pressure 2.Insecurity in social situations 3.Advertising and media 4.Don’t believe it is harmful 5.Believe they can stop anytime 6.Someone in the family uses 7.Curiosity 8.Like the “buzz”
What Does Smoking do to the Body? Short term effects: Bad breath and smell on clothes/hair Cilia paralyzed HR and BP increase Capillaries constrict reducing blood flow Increase in carbon dioxide levels Decreased lung capacity & Chronic Coughing Vitamin metabolism disrupted Suppresses estrogen (early menopause) Lowers insulin levels Sweating
Long term effects: 1.Aging skin/wrinkles 2.Reproductive damage 3.Cardiovascular diseases Smoking forces the heart to work harder to carry oxygen Blood vessels weaken because of increased force of blood pushing against the blood vessel walls Nicotine causes fat to build up in blood vessels
3 times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack which is 5 times more likely to kill a smoker than a nonsmoker Arteriosclerosis: hardening of arteries and/or fatty deposits which restricts blood flow to the organs and tissues. Causes high blood pressure and increases chances of heart attacks and strokes
4. Respiratory diseases Chronic bronchitis: inflammation and swelling of the lining of the airways leading to a daily cough and increased mucus production This blocks the airways causing difficulty breathing and catching breath.
Emphysema: a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are irreversibly damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness. Air sacs can’t expand and contract, preventing gas exchange and build-up of carbon dioxide
5. Cancer Lung cancer- 87% related to smoking Oral cancer of larynx, pharynx, mouth, throat, esophagus, and lips Pg. 99
Leukoplakia: (precancerous)- thickened, white patches form on your gums, the insides of your cheeks, the bottom of your mouth, and tongue.
Effects of Smokeless Tobacco Just as addictive as cigarettes Swallowing saliva unconsciously damages digestive and urinary systems Leukoplakia and other oral cancers Tooth loss, decay, cavities, gingivitis (gum wear) Loss of smell and taste
Effects of Smoke on the Non Smoker Passive (Secondhand) smoke: mainstream and sidestream smoke inhaled by a nonsmoker Mainstream Smoke- smoke that is directly inhaled into the smoker’s lungs and mouth Sidestream Smoke- Smoke that enters the air from a burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Has more tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and benzene
Secondhand smoke causes: Eye irritation Headaches Ear infections Asthma attacks and other respiratory problems Aggravates previous heart and lung health conditions Lung cancer
Effects of Smoking during and after Pregnancy: 1.Low birth weight 2.Respiratory infections 3.Small fetal growth 4.Increased risk of stillbirths 5.Growth and development problems in early childhood Social development problems and slow intellect Learning disabilities
6. Constricted blood vessels and increased carbon monoxide levels because nicotine passes through the placenta 7. Most dangerous in the second half of pregnancy when growth is occurring 8. After birth the mother’s milk contains high levels of nicotine 9. Poor health especially respiratory problems
Paste the following flap over your notes; so you can see your notes below it… Choosing to be Tobacco Free- Strategies for quitting Cold turkey (withdrawal symptoms)- nervous, moody, difficulty sleeping, anxious, grumpy Cut back method- smoke less each day and use filters to reduce tar and nicotine Nicotine substitutes: gums, patches, nasal sprays aimed at helping you quit smoking by reducing nicotine intake over time Postpone lighting up each day by15 minutes
Avoid lighting up with first craving Get someone to quit with you Join quit smoking support group ALA’s Freedom From Smoking Program Talk to a secession counselor at the Lung HelpLine LUNG-USA (phone or online chatting available) Summary:
TOBACCO WEBQUEST Complete the webquest and paste it into your notes on both pages Pg. 96 & 98