The global dimension of Arsenic in ground- and drinking water Chairman: Tony Appelo Welcome! Why, and what is the problem, some background Introduction of the speakers
The Global Arsenic Problem Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002, AG 17, 517
Bangladesh Groundwater DPHE and BGS, 2001
data from: DPHE and BGS, 2001
Bangladesh Standard: 0.05 mg/L. Drink 2 L → 0.1 mg As /day In rice: mg/kg Eat 0.3 kg → 0.1 mg As /day (Kapaj et al., 2006, JESH 41, 2399)
The hydration of Fe-oxide surfaces O O Fe H2OH2O surface site ≡FeOH ≡FeOH + H + ↔ ≡FeOH 2 + ≡FeOH - H + ↔ ≡FeO - Fe 2 O 3 surface
pH = redox forms in water: Arsenate anion, As(5) Arsenic acid, As(3)
Sorption of anions on ferrihydrite PZC
PROGRAM dr Pauline Smedley (British Geol Survey): Arsenic in groundwater – natural sources, mobilisation controls and the question of human influences Prof. dr Marie Vahter (Karolinska Institute): Arsenic in drinking water: threatening the health of millions? Break Tony Appelo: What is the origin of high As concentrations in groundwater? Discussion Closure, drinks, etc.