Cultural Influences on Communication With Students John Reinard
Want More Information? Diversity Kit of the Education Alliance at Brown University (excellent resources summarizing intercultural demands on education) Papers and articles mostly on nonverbal communication and teaching: Papers and articles including many on nonverbal communication and teaching:
AGENDA Where Does Communication Fit? Where are the Communication Breakdowns?
Where Does This Communication Stuff Fit? Communication: the process by which people exchange and assign meaning to messages
Communication as a Core Subject Among the Liberal Arts Trivium: Logic Grammar Rhetoric Quadrivium: Arithmetic Geometry Astronomy Music
LogicGrammar Arithmetic Rhetoric/ Communication Astronomy Music Geometry Rhetoric/ Communication
AGENDA Where Does Communication Fit? Where are the Communication Breakdowns?
Berlo’s SMCR Model S M C R
Messages Verbal Cues: use of words Nonverbal Cues: use of elements beyond words An example: I never cheat on my homework.
Meanings in Words? Sanction: to approve a measure to make another desist Cleave: to separate to adhere together Inhabitable: able to be lived in unable to be lived in
Berlo’s SMCR Model as an Interactional Model S M C R
Low Context Communication Most information is in the explicit code Direct and unambiguous language The speaker is expected to get the message across to the listener
Lower Context Higher Context Cultural Contexts Information provided explicitly, by words Nonverbal cues are ignored Need detailed background information Consider knowledge a commodity Information drawn from surroundings Nonverbal cues are important Free flow of information Maintain strong information networks
High Context Communication Most information is in physical context or is internalized to the person Indirect or abstract message Listener is expected to know what is on the speaker’s mind
Berlo’s SMCR Model as an Interactional Model S M C R
Functions of Communication The information function The relationship function The influence function
Cultural Ethnocentrism Is a Sure Way to Create Interpersonal Barriers
How Does Ethnocentrism Affect Our Language? Distance of Disparagement (encourages others to think less highly of themselves) Distance of Indifference (shows a lack of thought about others feelings) Distance of Avoidance (use of language that excludes others) Vs. the Distance of Sensitivity
But What Can You Do as a Teacher? Seek Information about the Culture Ask Questions and Listen Intercultural Communication Kit In the classroom: check perceptions with students increase number of communication channels avoid mindless reciprocation of nonverbal cues, use formative feedback