What does encourage mean? “To fill with courage” is technically correct, but vastly insufficient regarding its use in the NT. The Greek word translated as “encourage” (parekalei ) is from parakaleo- which literally means to call to one’s side. It is also translated as to beseech, comfort, exhort, desire, pray, or entreat; and includes consolation, strengthening, instructing, and teaching. Yes, parekalei is a broad and far- reaching word, and concept and duty!
Consider a few passages in which it is found to illustrate its wide range of applications and meanings: Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 8:5, “And when Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, imploring Him,” Matthew 8:31, “The demons began to entreat Him…” Matthew 18:29, “So his fellow slave fell to the ground and began to plead with him, saying, ‘Have patience with me…” Matthew 26:53, “Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father…”
Consider a few passages in which it is found to illustrate its wide range of applications and meanings: Mark 1:40, “And a leper came to Jesus, beseeching Him, and falling on his knees before Him...” Luke 3:18, “So with many other exhortations he preached the gospel to them. ” Luke 15:28, “…and his father came out and began pleading with him.” Luke 16:25, “… but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony.” Acts 2:40, “And with many other words he solemnly testified and kept on exhorting them…”
Who needs Encouragement ? The short answer is “Everyone- at least at some point!” The better/biblical answer is: Obviously, those lacking courage, Acts 28:15 (see also Acts 23:11); Those preaching, teaching, and doing good works, Acts 11:19-24; 18:27; Those facing tribulations, Acts 14:21-22; Those whose faith has weakened, 1Thess.3:1-3
Who needs Encouragement ? But we would have to also include: The unruly, fainthearted, and weak, 1Thess.5:14; The young and/or inexperienced, Titus 2:4; Heb.5:11 – 6:18; Those in danger of falling away, Heb.3:12-13; Those in need of patience and endurance, Heb.10:19- 39; Those caught in a trespass, Gal.6:1-2; and, Those needing consolation, love, fellowship, affection, and compassion, Phil.2:1; see also Col.2:1-2.
Keys to Encouragement Important ‘How To’ Tips: Take time to think about it first, Heb.10:24; Eph.4:29; Speak and act the way you would want to be spoken to and treated, Matt.7:12; Always remember the proper objectives- “encourage you as to your faith,” 1Thess.3:2; “encourage… and build up one another,” 1Thess.5:11 “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God,” Heb.12:1-17
Conclusions Think about taking these home with you: Everyone needs encouragement from time to time- some more than others; even you may need a boost at some point. God and His Word are the ultimate sources of encouragement- point yourself and others back to Him in prayer and knowledge. You have the ability to encourage others simply because you know what encourages you (and how it does so)- do that for others! What are the biggest impediments to being a “Barnabas”? Recognition of need in others, and personal abilities to fulfill it!