WHERE I LIVE I live in Innisfil Ontario Born in Toronto on May 7 th 1999 I have never moved in my life My family all lives in one house We are very close in our neighborhood and know most people
BACKGROUND I am Canadian but because my last name is French I know that I have that in my background too I don’t know many relatives besides immediate family because both sides of my grandparents are divorced They divorced before I was born so I never met them I don’t have a big family
FAMILY INFORMATION There is just my mom, dad, brother and I We have a cat that seems to need constant attention from us How my family works is in a dysfunctional manner but we manage to work it out most of the time We annoy each other to the point of wanting to kill everyone but we haven’t… yet My cat
IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE Unfortunately there is not enough room to state all of them but a few that stand out to me are: Relatives: my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, my great uncle and obviously my parents and brother People I work with: Justin, Sam Sammy, Ethyn and Dusty People from school: too many to name but they know who they are These people keep me grounded and I don’t know what I would do without them My mom and aunts My brother and cousin about 10 years ago
TRIPS I went to Niagara Falls when I was 7 I've been to Sudbury for a soccer tournament I went to Montréal for my grad trip I have never left Ontario I am going to France next year for 3 months for an exchange I’ve never been on a plane
FAVORITE SPORTS AND ACTIVITIES Basketball Volleyball Gymnastics Baseball Hockey I may not be any good at the sports but I enjoy playing them
FAVORITE MUSIC AND MOVIES Favorite movie is Finding Nemo and always will be Some artists are: Ed Sheeran Hedley Imagine Dragons Bruno Mars
FAVORITE SUBJECT French I love learning the new language and how to speak it It can be a lot of work at times but it will help with future jobs It always helps to have another language on a resume Having that I want to travel a lot in my future it will be easier to communicate with others Learning a new way of life and culture that is so different compared to how it is in Canada
FUTURE AMBITIONS I want to graduate high school with high marks I'm hoping to be a flight attendant and still be paid while I live out my dream to travel the world There are risks involved that could result in death but you have to take risks in order to have fun sometimes After I retire from that I will find a job near my house that can support everything I need it to whether it be a family or just myself