Before We Start Please help yourself to food Please use a sticky note to answer these questions and put your responses on the posters. –What is the magnitude of the shift in instructional practice required in your district to implement the NGSS? 0 – Our current instruction practices as they exist today incorporate the NGSS 10 – We have to make large scale fundamental changes –How can this group support science instruction in your district? –What are your goals for science instruction in your district?
October 7, 2015 Jessica Whisher-Hehl Center for Innovative Science Education
Introductions Please introduce yourself What do you hope to learn today?
This is just the beginning We are just starting our continuous professional inquiry into the NGSS and NYSSLS This is an ultra marathon not a sprint
Explain the patterns you seen in the video video
Explain the patterns you seen in the video video
Discussing Both Videos Compare and contrast the two videos What did you notice?
Build A Model Using any of the materials available to you build a model that describes both data sets and both videos.
Discuss Models
The NGSS MS-ESS1-1.Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun- moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons. [Clarification Statement: Examples of models can be physical, graphical, or conceptual.] Science and Engineering Practices Modeling in 6-8 builds on K-5 experiences and progresses to developing, using, and revising models to describe test, and predict more abstract phenomena. Develop and us a model to describe phenomena. Crosscutting Concepts Patterns can be used to identify cause and effect Disciplinary Core Ideas Patterns of the apparent motion of the sun, the moon, and stars in the sky can be observed, described, predicted, and explained with models
How did the lesson address the standard?
Story of how we got here Existing national level documents and standards are from the early to mid 1990s. –Science for All Americans (1993) –Benchmarks for Science Literacy (1993) –National Science Education Standards (1996) Taking Science to School (NRC, 2007) & Read, Set Science(NRC 2008) Over a decade of research in science education
Why New Standards It has been over two decades since last national standards Current New York State Standards are from 1996 Science permeates vast aspects of our world Students need to fundamentally understand core phenomena to make decisions in their future. –Students need cognitive abilities to evaluate, use and continue to learn about science Confront the current facts: –Why is present science education not supporting students in their future?
How are we doing? pdf
Introduction to the Framework A very brief introduction to A Framework for K-12 Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (NRC, 2012) When watching video think about:video Why do we need new standards? What is different about the new standards?
Goal of K-12 Science Education “By the end of 12 th grade, students should have gained sufficient knowledge of the practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas of science and engineering to engage in public discussion on science-related issues, to be critical consumers of scientific information related to their everyday lives, and to continue to learn about science throughout their lives. They should come to appreciate that science and the current scientific understanding of the world are the results of many hundreds of years of creative human endeavor. It is especially important to note that the above goals are for all students, not just those who pursue careers in science, engineering, or technology or those who continue on to higher education.” (NRC, 2012, p. 9)
Start with the Framework Science for ALL students to prepare them for their future Science education is not about creating engineers and scientists Provides the context and goals used to develop the NGSS Gives us a lens through which we can understand the NGSS
Key Aspects of the Framework Learning progression Coherent and cohesive K-12 learn ing experience Focused on a core set of cross cutting concepts, disciplinary core ideas, and scientific and engineering practices (three stands completely integrated) –NOT focused on discrete facts Instruction focused on understanding essential phenomena (not teaching topics) –“The NGSS require a much deeper understanding of the phenomena as opposed to the memorization of the vocabulary alone.” (Pruitt, 2014, p. 154).
Why the Framework First With Common Core we went right to the standards. Helps us understand how students learn science best. –Practices – students are doing the cognitive work to develop an understanding. Provides context - Science learning and understanding are vital for students future
New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) Mirror the NGSS First round of edits made in Summer 2015 Reviewed by NYS Science Steering Committee Second round of standards writers editing standards in late September Draft NYSSLS expected late October
Planning for NYSSLS Short term PD focused on Framework – Oct. 20 th Open informational review of Draft NYSSLS in November (4-6 pm) Science Leadership Network – Jan. 8 th Pilot Study for future elementary science curriculum this year –Using a systematic review process
Planning for NYSSLS Long term Planned and deliberate phase in of new curriculum materials informed by assessment timetable and ability to provide PD Compressive and cohesive professional development plan Continuous improvement plan – ongoing research of student and teacher learning Differentiated teacher professional development plan
Science Center Plan Continuous Professional Inquiry 1.Regional deep understanding of Framework 2.Develop shared understanding of standards 3.Assessment (state and local) 4.Planned and deliberate phase in of new curriculum materials. 5.Professional development – on going and differentiated 6.Continuous improvement of curriculum materials and teacher supports 7.Cohesive and coherent support of K-12 science instruction in the region
Studying the Framework Next Meeting, January 8, 2016 Please read Chapters 1,2, and 3 in the Framework. Pay attention to current science instruction and develop an honest understanding of current status of instruction. Watch Pruitt’s 2012 talk at NSTA’s national conference.Pruitt’s 2012 –What are the main shifts in science instruction required by NGSS? –How as a region can we plan for success? All materials from today can be found on our
Before We Leave What did we do today that you might do with your colleagues? On your way out please note what you would like more of in the future meetings and what you would change. Thank you and see you in January!