Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 1 A Platform for EMG Studies Danielle Ziébelin, Martine Maume and Philippe Genoud INRIA Rhône-Alpes Projet Sherpa
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 2 Goals of the EMGnet Project share the different resources of the EMGnet nodes software specialized equipment... exchange data that require analysis enhance knowledge and profit from it
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 3 Difficulties each node should have access to the competence of the other nodes but... complex software libraries / modules heterogeneous computer environments physicians are not programmers
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 4 The JACOMO Platform JAva & COmponents for electroMyOgraphy a common platform for the different partners that allows them: - to integrate their own software - to access software of the other partners
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 5 JACOMO’s Features use of software components to encapsulate data processing ability to distribute processing visual programming interface aid to the users through the use of a knowledge base JAVA language: the glue to assemble different parts of the platform
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 6 Software Components modules to be integrated in the environment modules with different levels of granularity related components to link the modules (filters, choice, loop, …) creation of « scripts » (chains of components)
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 7 Visual Programming GUI to dynamically load configure connect execute components
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 8 Knowledge Based Supervision Knowledge Based Problem Solving System The user submits a problem to be solved The system helps him/her in selecting the right components interacting with the components (parameters) linking the components
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December 98 9 Types of Knowledge Methodological (strategies of resolution) decomposition of a problem to several subproblems (tasks) association of one or more components with each elementary task assembling the components to solve a higher level problem Methodological KB Component library
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December Types of Knowledge Methodological Descriptive functionality of the components nature of the information used by the tasks input, output Methodological KB Components library KB related to the EMG domain
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December Distribution Domain (descriptive) knowledge common knowledge shared by all the partners Components and the operative knowledge associated with them developed and maintained locally under responsibility of each EMGnet node accessible by the other nodes through the network
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December Distribution (cont.) A task can be published to allow its use from other sites A distant task used in a problem solving strategy is seen as a terminal task
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December Distribution (cont.) When a distant task is invoked the resolution graph is downloaded the resolution process continues until elementary tasks are obtained
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December Distribution Execution of a distant component Download of the component and then its local execution Remote execution Data Results
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December How far we are ? INRIA: has long-term and valuable experience in program supervision based on tasks object-based knowledge representations + is currently focusing on technology components and building the EMG knowledge base + has to develop the distributed environment (RMI, CORBA, etc.) JACOMO
Inria Rhône-AlpesEMGnet meeting - December Contribution of INRIA to the Project creation of a knowledge base of the EMG concepts specification and development of the visual distributed environment based on components implementation of a component to record medical cases