From Source to Software Narrowing the gap between you and the Industry Presented by: Shilp Gupta ABV-IIITM, Gwalior
But First Let us grab a statistic… How many of you have Computer Science as a Subject? Does IT interest you? Would you do it make a living? “Software Engineering” offers the most lucrative placements in the form of bulk – as well as compensation!
Coding Coding, the line-by-line development of precise instructions for the machine to execute, is and will always be the core activity of software development. Its called – Software Penmanship Those who can… Code!
Back to the School – Part 1 CS Myths… ◦ Programming is tough ◦ BASIC = QBASIC or GWBASIC ◦ C++ = Turbo C++ ◦ Java = Sun One/Blue J All are myths nevertheless It is up to your college education to “teach” you to program… Right?
Back to the School – Part X Computer programming is tremendous fun. Like music, it is a skill that derives from an unknown blend of innate talent and constant practice. Like drawing, it can be shaped to a variety of ends – commercial, artistic, and pure entertainment. Truth is, students your age… are already well known programmers!
For those who shall Program Code IT Compile IT Link IT Deploy IT IT is what we call an Algorithm, a Heuristic or plain – Logic. Everything is a Program
My name… Is Neo! The industry calls them software; everybody’s heard of software; we say we “build” software; what is it that makes a program, Software? When a program does 500 functions simultaneously, it is called a software… When a program is “lines of code”, it is called a software…
Enter the Matrix Write a software to manage all tasks in your school Build a website to make the school’s presence felt on the “net” Windows is 4 million lines of code written in C/C++ Try writing a software with source-code spread across 5 files, now, imagine 50 people doing this collaboratively
Coupling and Cohesion Cohesion defines the “completeness” of the task that a program has to perform Coupling defines the amount of inter- related all “programs” in your software are The paradigm is shifting from high cohesion, low coupling software to low cohesion, high coupling “systems”
OOPS!! The fact in the fad Object Oriented Programming may sound like the biggest fad to young enthusiasts in programming But, IT has brought down software costs IT has brought down software construction costs IT has made vast amount of software – tractable
Software Engineering
IT is rising Factors, ◦ Computers are becoming cheap ◦ Software costs are sliding ◦ The plethora of knowledge available to be learned is humongous We are Knowledge workers in the Knowledge economy Information Technology is here to stay
Software Industry Programmer/Developer Teams Designer Project Company Industry
Shock and Awe Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games have millions of people world wide engaged simultaneously Prices of software range from a few hundreds to hundreds of crores But, isn’t it all supposedly – Fun?
The Cathedral and The Bazaar Now, Would you be a computer programmer? Would you rather be a software architect? Would you do this for free? A software is neither a product, nor a service, it is a bundle of knowledge…
Thank You Remember, Writing code remains the single most productive activity in software development The world of computer software is constantly changing, in trends of technology, in idioms and methodologies Coming years will teach you great many things, but the learning starts now…