Business Services Team TTIG Strategy Consultation: Feedback Torbay Together Involvement Group 16 th August 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Business Services Team TTIG Strategy Consultation: Feedback Torbay Together Involvement Group 16 th August 2011

Business Services Team 105 completed surveys Feedback from Tulip, SPOT & Torbay Voice Surveys completed at: –Libraries (13) –Connexions (5) –South Devon College (10) –Online (19) –Quest (57) Respondents

Business Services Team Number% Yes4790.4% No59.6% Have we missed anyone out? Young People (24) Older People (4) Police (4) Is the Strategy aiming to involve the right people?

Business Services Team General agreement to the commitments Themes identified from comments: –Promotion of involvement –Accessible involvement –Inclusive involvement –Clarity over proposals / decisions –Feedback using range of media / channels The 5 Partnership Commitments

Business Services Team Number% Safer Communities & Crime7571.4% Health and Care7167.6% Social Care6965.7% Transport6763.8% Children and Families6158.1% Design and monitoring of services5653.3% Setting budgets5653.3% Planning4845.7% Multiple choice question so % do not equal 100 What types of decisions do you think people would like to be involved with?

Business Services Team For a few minutes: For a few hours: Number% Surveys and questionnaires5552.4% Suggestion box – write, phone, % Just pick up phone, comment or query4845.7% Join a telephone panel2321.9% How to get involved? Number% Face to face interviews7268.8% Focus groups5047.6% Regular meetings4240.0% Consultations3634.3%

Business Services Team Comments themed around: Hard to reach and mechanisms for involving those who are considered as such Availability of information to the public – clear and up to date Need for real commitment to and support (financial and time) to engagement Removing barriers to involvement Making the most of technology - social networking and online polls Have we missed anything out?

Business Services Team Summary of Key Findings Aimed at the right people – with the inclusion of young people Decisions around safer communities and health & care people would like to be involved with Information and communication supporting consultation should be open, clear and up to date Making use of technology and social networking Providing feedback is crucial