By: Paula Tatum
Is an holiday celebrated on October 31. It was observed by the Celts over 2,000 years ago.
U can wear Halloween customs to scare people when you go to their door and say “Trick Or Treat.”
The North American Halloween is a popular celebration. Jack-o'-lanterns are made by hollowing out pumpkins, then a face is carved and a candle is set inside. Children dress in costumes and go door to door asking for treats by chanting rhymes like "Trick or Treat.”
Halloween Traditions Holidays offer a rich store of memories, often of happy (and sometimes not-so-happy) traditions. One of my favorite holidays has always been Halloween, which in my family we refer to by the ancient name of Samhain. Samhain celebrates the earth's time to rest in darkness. The last harvest has been gathered. The days grow dark and the nights grow long. This is a time of trust: we believe that the light will come again. We believe that death is part of life, just another turn of the wheel. Samhain is when we let go of the old to make way for the new, even before the new has been conceived. It is the time to honor our ancestors, and those who have passed out of this life.
Help your child pick out or make a costume that will be safe. Make it fire proof, the eye holes should be large enough for good peripheral vision. If you set jack-o-lanterns on your porch with candles in them, make sure that they are far enough out of the way so that kids costumes won't accidentally be set on fire. Make sure that if your child is carrying a prop, such as a scythe, butcher knife or a pitchfork, that the tips are smooth and flexible enough to not cause injury if fallen on. Kids always want to help with the pumpkin carving. Small children shouldn't be allowed to use a sharp knife to cut the top or the face. There are many kits available that come with tiny saws that work better then knives and are safer, although you can be cut by them as well. It's best to let the kids clean out the pumpkin and draw a face on it, which you can carve for them. Treating your kids to a spooky Halloween dinner will make them less likely to eat the candy they collect before you have a chance to check it for them. Teaching your kids basic everyday safety such as not getting into cars or talking to strangers, watching both ways before crossing streets and crossing when the lights tell you to, will help make them safer when they are out Trick or Treating.
People dress up there pets to scare kids and adults at Halloween to.
Scare crows Spiders Skeletons Scary cats And a lot more….
Halloween Ideas! If you have kids you can carry them to peoples house to get candy. You can have a haunted hayride. You can give out candy to kids. You can decorate a Haunted house and let kids go through and get people to scare them.
Games for Halloween! Guess games Pumpkin Relay Spider Webs Scavenger Hunts Pumpkin Bowling Mummy Wrap Spooky Walk,