a website where one connects with those sharing personal or professional interests, place of origin, education at a particular school, etc. via a computer. Definition:
Social network sites are web- based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users of whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system Definition Cont’d:
To use a networking website, you need access to the web via a computer, phone, tablet, etc. Some parts of the website need JavaScript to view. Technology Needed?
The costs of building a social networking site is dropping to near zero. Most sites do not cost anything to use. Applications on some websites (ex: Facebook) cost money varying on application. Premium Versions cost money per month or per year. Costs?
Facebook MySpace Twitter LinkedIn Xanga Bebo Google Buzz Hi5 List of Social Networking Websites: *Not all available options, there are many available for different interests, businesses and purposes.
Has basic (free) or premium version ($24.95/mo). Can search jobs and post jobs. Upload resume Join groups you like or involved in Good for professionals but not for classroom use. LinkedIn
Free Easy to post links, pictures, other sites, applications, and information. Easy to view and navigate around. Good privacy settings. Can put events and “flyers” on website and invite friends to attend. Facebook
Free. Not as popular in the United States so may not be blocked on school servers. Cannot move around headings but can change background images and text colors. May be easier to use because it doesn’t have as many of the Web 2.0 technology other sites have. Hi5
Free. Google’s version of Facebook. Can link to Google Mail with contacts and all apps associated with your account. Easy to use. Can add “scraps” which are links, widgets, photos, podcasts and more. Orkut
How can social networking be used for professional development?
Why does social networking matter to teaching and learning?
Is there a future for social networking in education? YES! /social_networking_a_pen_pals_in_the_21st_century.php nothing-new/ networking.html site-drops-near-zero &index=1 Bibliography