Carlton Bacon Techno-Thing SED 420 Fall 2005
Tunnels Tunnels were one of the most amazing inventions in its time. Made so ships and automobiles can cross waters.
VCR Became popular in the early 1980’s VCR’s were very expensive.
Atari One of the first game consoles in the 1980’s A game was 1$ each. PackmanPitfallAsteroidsCentipede
Transformers 1986 Cartoon series MovieToys
Race Car Set Super Cliff Hangers
Lap Top Became popular in the late 1990’s. I always wanted one.
Cell Phone Can receive a phone call almost anywhere and any time. Internet and camera capabilities
Playstation 2 Console invented around the year John Madden Tournaments
Hybrid Car Future cars May need to work on car design
Technology Technology means a lot to me. All my life I have been involved with technology. Technology can make theories facts and it also can help people get a better understanding of the world.