THE KEYS FOR THIS TASK: You MUST CROP IN CAMERA – remember: FILL THE FRAME! You will need to carefully observe the SHAPE of both small details as well as the big picture to find good shots! You will need to use the MANUAL FOCUS to get really close Use a SMALL depth of field – review which camera settings you need to accomplish this! LETS LOOK AT SOME EXAMPLES OF WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR…..A…B…C…GO!
THE KEYS FOR THIS TASK: You MUST CROP IN CAMERA – remember: FILL THE FRAME! You will need to carefully observe the SHAPE of both small details as well as the big picture to find good shots! You will need to use the MANUAL FOCUS to get really close Use a SMALL depth of field – review which camera settings you need to accomplish this!
FIRST STEPS FOR THIS PROJECT: Pick a WORD Pick a IMAGE THEME for your images that would compliment or fit that word… Brainstorm a shot list that contains a LIST OF SUBJECTS and/or LOCATIONS you could potentially go to to take pictures that fit your theme. EXAMPLE WORD: TRAVELLER / TRAVEL IMAGE THEME: modes of transportation SHOT LIST IDEAS: Port Stanley Harbour (boats) VIA Rail station in London or Train Station in St. Thomas (trains) School Bus (could find in front of school in mornings) (bus) London or St. Thomas Airport….Diamond Aircraft? (planes) My Garage, school parking lot, mall parking lot (cars, trucks, SUVs) My friends aunt’s Farm…Western fairgrounds races (horses)