Jupiter The best spot you ever red about
General facts Its mass is 1,898,130,000,000,000,000 kilograms (which is times that of Earth) Its circumference is 439,264 kilometers around the equator It has 67 known moons It has 4 rings It is the fifth planet from the sun It is the fourth brightest object in the solar system It was trying to become a star, however it couldn’t due to lack of resources It was first recorded by Babylonian astronomers in around the 7 th or 8 th century BC
Jupiter’s composition Jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen (90%) and helium (about 10%) It is currently unknown what the core is made of, but it is speculated that it is made of a combination of metallic hydrogen and helium.
Why Jupiter should be president It is the biggest planet in the solar system. It was named after the leader of the roman gods. It shields us from thousands of asteroids that could wipe out all life on Earth every year.
Fun facts It has the most moons of all planets in the solar system. If it were given much more mass and ignited, it could serve as a secondary sun. Its moon, Io, is thought to have water on it.
Jupiter’s Major Moons
The “red spot”” Its red spot is actually a very intense hurricane that has been raging on for 400 years. In 2006, Jupiter’s younger brother was discovered, and was nicknamed “red junior”
Possibilities of life Jupiter is probably where you’d least expect to find life, due to its high pressure and dangerous storms. It is proposed that a race of flying jellyfish type creatures could exist there, however it is highly unlikely. On the other hand, Jupiter’s moon Io is an ice moon, which means it may have water near the core that could sustain marine life.
Exploration Pioneer 10, Voyager 1 & 2, Galileo, and Ulysses are all probes that have either been in Jupiter's orbit, or did a fly-by and captured many pictures. No human spacecraft has ever been on Jupiter.
Future uses for Jupiter Depending on the composition of its core, it is possible we could mine it for resources. If our sun was to supernova in the future and earth was not destroyed by some miracle, it is possible we could turn it into another star. Despite how cool it would be, there seems to be no way to colonize Jupiter, due to the extreme surface pressure, and the gases in the atmosphere.
Jupiter’s orbit erplanets/orbit_simulator/ erplanets/orbit_simulator/
Quiz Question #1 How many known moons does Jupiter have? A. 68 B. 26 C. 42 D. 67 Question #2 Which of Jupiter’s moons could have life? A. Ganymede B. Io C. Callisto D. Europa
Quiz Question #3 Hydrogen makes up ____ percent of Jupiter. A.42B.67 C.90D.10 Question #4 Helium makes up ____ percent of Jupiter. A.42B.67 C.90D.10
Quiz Question #5 Are you going to vote for Jupiter? A. Yes B. Si (yes) C. Oui (yes) D. Ja (yes) Question #6 Weren’t there only 5 questions? A. It was a lie B. No C. This is too much, I quit D. I like trains
BORING STUFF (works cited) ts/5-8/features/nasa-knows/what-is- jupiter-58.html ts/5-8/features/nasa-knows/what-is- jupiter-58.html jupiter-made-of.html jupiter-made-of.html news/science-at-nasa/2006/02mar_redjr/ news/science-at-nasa/2006/02mar_redjr/