By:Y Smith It Shouldn’t Be Any Less Disturbing When it’s a girl !


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Presentation transcript:

By:Y Smith It Shouldn’t Be Any Less Disturbing When it’s a girl !

Background Information Advertiser: United Way Brand Name: United Way Created for teen pregnancy by the Bvk advertising agency for product. It was released in January of 2008.

Ethos ?

Ethos The Ethical appeal to this ad is girls are often judged for this situation and they shouldn’t have to go through it alone. The boys don’t have to put up with all the looks the girl does. You shouldn’t be judgmental towards a pregnant teen.


Pathos The ad makes you feel sorry for the girls being judged for getting pregnant at such a young age. And the boy not being judged just the same as the girl.


Logos The logical appeal of the ad is there is no difference in the girl being pregnant than there is the boy being pregnant. If one is going to be judged they both should be judged.

Focus The focus of the image is the boy. He is pregnant and he doesn’t really look happy. The lighting is directed toward him. The rest of the background is all dull and he stands out in the picture.

Citations way/print-outdoor/pregnant-boy / way/print-outdoor/pregnant-boy /