CAHS Process Flow 2. 2-1-1 operator completes pre-screen for shelter eligibility 3a. 2-1-1 operator transmits screening document over secure network to.


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Presentation transcript:

CAHS Process Flow operator completes pre-screen for shelter eligibility 3a operator transmits screening document over secure network to Ramsey County 4. Ramsey County shelter team verifies household is has Ramsey County residency Possible Entry Point Diversion Process If eligible for diversion 7b 3. Client successfully diverted – if transportation was funded and client cannot seek shelter again for one year 7a. Household submits homeless verification to shelter team within 10 days 9a 1. Highest priority/ eligible household contacted by shelter team for shelter opening and scheduled for intake 9a 2. Household comes to Woodland Hills Church to complete shelter intake If Family Service Center 11. CAHS receives shelter paperwork from shelter team (3332) 12a. Household contacted to schedule housing assessment 13a. Assessment Specialist goes to shelter to complete VI-SPDAT, supplemental questions, and basic background check with household If household is eligible for supportive housing 14b. Household ineligible for supportive housing and provided housing resource packet for appropriate options (3333) 14a. Household placed on housing priority list for either Rapid Rehousing, Transitional Housing, or Permanent Supportive Housing (3333) 15. Housing Program reports opening to CAHS 16. CAHS manager selects highest prioritized household and make referral based on eligibility, appropriateness of family for opening If VI-SPDAT score ≤ 3 If VI-SPDAT score ≥ 4 17b 2. Household remains in their original position on priority list If household turns down opening If household accepts opening 17a. CAHS assessment specialist sends referral to housing provider 18a. Housing provider schedules intake with household Last Updated: 11/22/2015 Key Flows Guaranteed movement Movement if accepted Movement if denied Movement through Diversion Process Steps Catholic Charities CAHS Catholic Charities Diversion Ramsey County Shelter Team ClientHousing/Shelter Provider Conditional Movement 8. Shelter contacts shelter team with opening 9b 1. Shelter team faxes information on two eligible households for each opening 9a 3. Household goes to Family Service Center to check in to shelter United Way If priority list family becomes eligible for diversion If diversion unsuccessful If Family Place/ Project Home 9b 2. Project Home contacts highest priority households, shares eligibility requirements, and invites family for shelter tour 9b 3. Family comes to Project Home for tour and intake and decides to move In to shelter 10. Household moves into respective shelter If from other shelter 12b 2a. Household go to Woodland Hills to complete VI-SPDAT and supplemental questions 12b 2b. Household completes VI-SPDAT and supplemental questions over the phone If shelter located close by If shelter located far away If documentation received 18b/20b/21b. Household goes through appeals process 17b 1. CAHS manager contacts next appropriate household the priority list If referral accepted If referral denied 19a. Household meets housing provider for intake 20a. Household information is shared with Public Housing Authority and/or property management 21a. Housing provider notifies CAHS and household of acceptance and provides a move in date 22. Household moves in to housing (3333) Possible Entry Point (next household) If denied If accepted and PSH or TH If denied If accepted 1. Household calls United Way seeking shelter 3b. Client referred to appropriate response system 5. Ramsey County shelter team contacts household 6b. Community resource refers family for diversion services 6a. Household goes to Woodland Hills Church to complete shelter/ diversion screen Possible Entry Point If eligible for shelter If ineligible for shelter If not Ramsey County resident If Ramsey County resident 7b 2. Household comes to Woodland Hills to complete diversion paperwork (If financial assistance provided recorded in 3334) 12b 1. Shelter contacts CAHS team to schedule VI-SPDAT and supplemental questions 13b. Household informed they will lose alternative housing support if they continue through CAHS If household has alternative housing support (section 8, subsidy, etc…) If household does not have alternative housing support If household gives up alternative support ?. Grounds for denial are noted and information are shared with CoC Coordinator 20c 1. Household begins search for available scattered site housing If accepted and RRH If appeal process fails 7b 1. Diversion specialist contacts family and attempts to divert household If eligible for shelter 7. Household is informed of placement on shelter priority list and list requirements (3332) Possible Entry Point Symbols and Fonts Frequent attrition point (9999) HMIS Provider number used for data entry