Qin Shi Huangdi: The First Emperor of China AIM: How was China unified under Shi Huangdi?
Qin Dynasty: Western China SHI HUANGDI 221 BC crushed all rivals- ended “warring states period” Claimed the “mandate of heaven” 1 st emperor of Qin Dynasty
The word “China” came from Qin, also spelt “Chin”, the kingdom of Qin Shi Huangdi The word “China” came from Qin, also spelt “Chin”, the kingdom of Qin Shi Huangdi Hated for his tyranny – “A thousand will die so that a million may live.” Hated for his tyranny – “A thousand will die so that a million may live.” But admired for his many radical and insightful policies But admired for his many radical and insightful policies
Began Classical Age advancements in arts, religion, science, gov’t
Methods of Power Brutal Restricted individual freedoms Ruled with total control (authoritarianism) Used rewards and punishments to control people What type of philosophy did Shi Huangdi adopt?
Confucianism under Qin Confucian scholars hit hardest by harsh rule- WHY? Many killed or jailed Book Burning: Shi Huangdi ordered the destruction of all works of lit. and philosophy Only books on medicine and agriculture were spared-WHY?
Unifying China PoliticallySociallyEconomically Abolished feudalism (local rulers had power) Created 36 MILITARY districts supervised by his officials Forced nobles to live in his capital Created a uniform system of writing Standardized weights and measurements Issued Qin coins as a new currency Built roads and canals to make trans. easier
The Great Wall’s beginnings… Feudal states had previously built walls to defend against invaders Ordered the walls to be joined together Criminals and peasants built it
The Great Wall 25 feet high, topped with a wide brick road 13, 171 miles long today Why build this wall?
Terracotta Army 8000 terracotta warriors created to help Shi Huangdi rule another empire in the afterlife Took 36 years to complete feet tall lbs.
Terracotta Warriors
Death and Legacy Died 210 BC Died 210 BC Qin Dynasty collapses forced labor, heavy taxes, cruel policies people revolted Qin Dynasty collapses forced labor, heavy taxes, cruel policies people revolted Han Dynasty established by revolt leader (and illiterate peasant) Liu Bang Han Dynasty established by revolt leader (and illiterate peasant) Liu Bang