Nov 4, 2009 I.Federal Reserve A.History and Structure B.Tools C.Money Creation 1.Exam Friday: Ch 6-11, readings, Aplia, class lectures (not Janus forum lecture) 2.No office hours this afternoon. I will respond to s and will call you if you need to talk. 3.Economics Advising Session for spring courses Monday Nov 9 4:15-5:15 A207 Old Mill Annex ---free pizza and beer soft drinks
How Long Did it Take and When did Fertility Fall by 50%? Selected Nations: Europe: South Korea Bangladesh Mauritius Iran falls by 75%
Ben Bernanke
Federal Reserve Regional Banks
Fed Balance Sheet / (interactive graphic)
(Billions of dollars) 9/30/096/27/07 Total assets2, Short-term lending programs for financial institutions2640 Targeted lending programs840 Securities holdings1, Treasury securities GSE-related securities8240 Emergency lending1010 Other assets (such as foreign exchange, bank premises)10278 Total liabilities2, Federal Reserve notes Reserve balances84816 Treasury deposits2734 Other (such as foreign official deposits)9841 Federal Reserve Balance Sheet