Psalm (Tehillim) means ‘Praise’ ………they are man to God ………they deal in true feelings ………they are for public use
The Psalmist….. Delights in the place where God is Has a desire to stay there Sees that even the insignificant are welcome Focus on the destination makes the journey joyful Even a taste is worth lifetimes without
The Psalmist….. Jesus….. Delights in the place where God is Has a desire to stay there Sees that even the insignificant are welcome. Focus on the destination makes the journey joyful Even a taste is worth lifetimes without Brings us into God’s presence Gives us a desire to be with Him Is good for all Ensures our eternal future Is our greatest treasure
Conclusion The closer we get to Jesus, the greater our desire to spend time with Him. “To live is Christ, to die is gain” Philippians 1v21