Merchants of Doubt Tobacco industry: Public Relations or Propaganda? Based on Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway MERCHANTS OF DOUBT, 2010
Public relations (PR) is a field concerned with maintaining public image for businesses, non-profit organizations or high-profile people, such as celebrities and politicians. the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics
Propaganda a mode of discourse intended to persuade, to manipulate, and to indoctrinate its audience into accepting policies that they might not otherwise support.
Propaganda Propaganda is a discourse that legitimates certain interests and polices while providing a one-sided, simplified, and distorted, but not necessarily totally untrue, view of events or people.
The Fight over Secondhand Smoke By the mid-1980s, nearly every American knew that smoking caused cancer and other illnesses However, the tobacco industry successfully promoted and sustained doubt. When the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) took steps to limit indoor smoking, the Tobacco Institute set out to challenge the EPA.
Secondhand smoke The Industry knew of the dangers of secondhand smoking by the early 1970s The industry own research had found that sidestream smoke contains more toxic chemicals than mainstream smoke The states were moving actively against tobacco. By 1979 all states (except Nevada and Kentucky) had some antismoking legislation
Research A landmark study: National Cancer Center Research Institute in Tokyo (impact on women whose husbands smoke). Also, a study in New England Journal of Medicine (impact of smokers on co-workers) Publicly the industry criticized the studies Privately they agreed with the studies
The response of the tobacco industry Philip Morris’ vice-president in 1993: “All of us whose livelihoods depend upon tobacco sales must band together into u unified force The bottom line is: if smokers can’t smoke at work, in stores, restaurants, they are going to smoke less”
The first response: increased advertisement Presenting cigarettes as a symbol of strength, manhood, courage
From L.A. Times, May 1994 Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. spent more than $950,000 between 1979 to 1983 to feature its cigarette brands in more than 20 movies-- including payments of at least $300,000 to action film star Sylvester Stallone. The payments took the form of checks, cash and merchandise--including jewelry and automobiles for such stars as Paul Newman, Sean Connery and Stallone
Disinformation campaign The Center for Tobacco Research set up a “special projects” office to deal with secondhand smoke: The development of opposing scientific evidence Expert witnesses Industry sponsored conferences to challenge the emerging scientific consensus
Concealing the source Several projects were run as law firms to conceal their identity and to shield these efforts from scrutiny using attorney-client privilege
Attacking regulations from many different sides Restrictions on smoking in the workplace seen as employment discrimination Increased taxation of tobacco products seen as frivolous taxation in general, “tax and spend” attitude, “big government” Generally restrictions on smoking seen as “Nanny government,” overprotective.
In 1991 Philip Morris outlined four objectives specifically related to secondhand smoke Fight bans on smoking in workplaces Maintain smoking areas in transportation facilities (e.g., airports) Promote the idea of ‘accommodation’—that smokers had the right to be accommodated Maintain the controversy about tobacco smoke in public and scientific forums.
The EPA Report in Dec 1992: Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking The report attributed 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 150,000 to 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia in children per year to secondhand smoke Thousands of cases of aggravated asthma Tobacco was considered a class A carcinogen But overall the report was cautious: many other effects of secondhand smoke were left for further research
The EPA Report: the tobacco industry attack Tobacco industry attacked the report and other studies by questioning their methodology, consistency evidence, and statistical significance
Scientists for Hire The Tobacco Industry hired a number of well know scientists willing to fight science One of them, Fred Singer, established Science and Environment Policy Project to defend tobacco industry
The use of Public Relations Firms APCO worldwide In the early 1990s, APCO worked closely with tobacco industry to develop ‘scientific’ articles to defend secondhand smoke and promote the idea that the EPA work was “junk science”
“Bad Science: A Resource Book” 200-page book published by tobacco industry Pretended to be scientific work fighting bad science It propagated the idea that science is manipulated by government agencies for political purposes
“Bad Science: A Resource Book” It claimed that: Too often science is manipulated to fulfill a political agenda No agency is more guilty of adjusting science to support preconceived public policy prescriptions than the EPA Like many studies before it, EPA’s recent report concerning environmental tobacco smoke allows political objectives to guide scientific research
Overall… In pluralistic societies, all social, economic, and political forces ‘fight’ for their rights, recognition, and interests Sometimes the fight is honest Sometimes is not Citizens need to be aware of the methods used in political propaganda, advertisement, and in public relations