DME 2013
A C2 BK Title: Public Health Role and Remit: I am a health advisor to the Scottish Government. I have been asked to prepare a report in which I will recommend or reject a proposal for PASS – protection against second hand smoking. Recommendation: We are recommending that PASS be introduced. Arguments for proposal: 1.The expense of treating smoking related illness is too great and too much of a burden for the NHS to continue to fund. Treating illnesses associated with smoking cost the NHS in Scotland over £400m in % deaths in Greater Glasgow and Clyde were related to smoking. Life expectancy for men in Glasgow is 14 years shorter than that of men in Kensington and Chelsea. Information for this section comes from the front page of Paper 2 Must use : Argument Quote from text source Information from a statistical source Background knowledge
B C5 Arguments against proposal and rebuttal: 1.My opponents would say that introducing PASS limits the individuals right to make their own decisions and have free will. Pass is another example of the government’s unnecessary interference into people’s lives. 80% of people think that the Scottish Government should not make the ban on extension of smoking in public places a priority. BUT THEY ARE WRONG BECAUSE… in a public opinion survey in Scotland on smoking 80% of people say the government should make the extension of the ban a priority. After the smoking there was a 17% decrease in the number of children being admitted to hospital for asthma related complications. You should have max 3 at least 2 paragraphs here. Opponents argument Evidence from the other text source you have not used yet Evidence from a statistical source that they would refer to They are wrong because (and provide your argument) Evidence from statistical source showing you are correct Background knowledge showing you are correct