Applied Geometry Lesson 1-5 Tools of the Trade Objective: Learn to use geometry tools.
Definitions Straightedge: an object used to draw a straight line. Compass: a tool used for drawing arcs and circles.
Example Determine whether the sides of the triangle are straight. The sides are straight.
Example Use a straightedge to determine which of the three segments at upper left forms a straight line with the segment at the lower right. Top segment.
Example Use a compass to determine which segment is longer segment AB or segment CD.
Example Which is longer, the segment from A to B or the segment from B to D?
Constructions Constructions: a figure made by using a compass and straightedge.
Construction Use the compass to draw a circle. Do not change the compass width Put the point on the circle and draw a small arc on the circle. Move the point to the arc and draw another arc. Continue all around the circle. Use a straightedge to connect the points in order.
Patty paper: a special kind of paper used for constructions. Midpoint: the point located in the middle of a segment.
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