Vascular Anatomy Chapter 21
Cardiovascular System Cardio = ______________ Vascular = ________________ –Arteries Carry blood _____________the heart –Veins Carry blood ____________ the heart
The Heart Deoxygenated _____________ –Tricuspid Valve _____________ –Pulmonary Valve (Semilunar) ________________
The Heart Oxygenated _______________ ____________ –Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve ______________ –Aortic Valve (Semilunar) Aorta
Arising from Left Ventricle Aortic Bulb Ascending Arch Descending
Aortic Bulb Portion off ___________ Right _____________ –Right atrium/Ventricle Left ______________ –Left atrium and both Ventricles
Aortic Arch Right ________________________Artery –Right Carotid Right _____________- –Right Vertebral
Aortic Arch Left _____________________ Left ____________ –Left Vertebral
Neck Circulation ______________ –Right and Left _________________Carotids –Bifurcation of common carotids ___________ –Right and Left
Circle of Willis Posterior ___________ –Fusion of ___________________ –Posterior Cerebral –Posterior ____________
Circle of Willis Anterior Internal Carotid Arteries –______________ –___________ Anterior Communicating –Middle Cerebral
Aorta Descending Thoracic Abdominal
Abdominal Aorta Various branches –_____________ –Superior mesenteric –_______________ –Inferior mesenteric Common ______________ –External / Internal
Lower Extremity Arteries External Iliac _________________ –Deep –Femoral ____________________ –Anterior/Posterior Tibial –Peroneal
Upper Extremity Artery Subclavian ____________ Brachial Ulnar _____________ Palmar Arches –Deep / Superficial
The Veins
Head Drainage _________________ Inferior Sagittal Sinus –Straight Sinus __________________ –Occipital Sinus Transverse Sinus _________________
Neck Drainage Internal Jugular –____________________ _________________ –Subclavian Vertebral Veins –________________
Back to the Heart Right / Left Brachiocephalic –____________ ___________________ –Into Right Atrium
Upper Extremity Veins Palmar Arch –Deep / Superficial ________________ ______________________________ –Common IV site
Upper Extremity Veins ______________ –Lateral ____________ –Medial Brachial
Upper Extremity Veins Axillary _______________ Brachiocephalic __________
Lower Extremity Veins __________________ –Dorsum of Foot ________________ –Lateral Foot
Lower Extremity Veins _____________ –Anterior / Posterior Popliteal –Small Saphenous _____________ –Great Spahenous
Lower Extremity Veins _________________ ________________________ –Right Atrium