KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and Large-scale Research Center of the Helmholtz Association Institute for Neutron Physics.


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Presentation transcript:

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and Large-scale Research Center of the Helmholtz Association Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology Testing of FENDL-3/SLIB Neutron Cross-Section Data for Applications to the IFMIF Neutron Source Facility U. Fischer, A. Serikov, S.P. Simakov

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF FENDL-3/SLIB Testing Methodology Testing of neutron data library for application to High Flux Test Module (HFM) Neutronic calculations using McDeLicious Monte Carlo and global 3D IFMIF Test Cell model Calculations of n- and -fluxes, nuclear heating, gas production and displacement damage in HFTM irradiation rigs (Eurofer specimens) Comparison of nuclear responses calculated with FDENDL-3/SLIB-R2 and standard IFMIF library Comparison of relevant cross-section data extracted from ACE data library

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Li target Irradiation test modules MCNP model (visualised by CATIA) CAD model (CATIA) Beam lines IFMIF Test Cell Model – CAD vs. MCNP

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF HFTM container IFMIF High Flux Test Module (HFTM) HFTM test rig vertical cuthorizontal cut

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Global IFMIF Neutronics Test Cell Model* HFTM section * developed by F. Wasastjerna, VTT

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Global IFMIF Neutronics Test Cell Model Test Module section with irradiation rigs

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF IFMIF Neutron Flux Spectrum (HFTM)

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Chemical Composition of Eurofer

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Data Library vs. FENDL- 3/SLIB-R2 : Sources of Dat Evaluations

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Neutron fluxes in HFTM HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Neutron flux spectrum in HFTM

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Photon fluxes in HFTM HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Photon flux spectrum in HFTM

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Nuclear heating rates in HFTM HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Nuclear heating numbers [MeV/collision] for HFTM materials 39 vol% Eurofer, 61 vol% NaK Eurofer NaK

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Protium production in iron of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Protium production in iron of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Protium production cross-section of iron MT=103MT=203

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Protium production in Eurofer of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Deuterium production cross-section of iron MT=204

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Tritium production in Iron of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Tritium production in Iron of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Tritium production cross-section of iron MT=105 MT=205

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Tritium production in Eurofer of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Tritium production in NaK of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Helium production in Iron of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Total helium production in iron of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Helium production cross-section of iron MT=107 MT=22 MT=207

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Helium production in Eurofer of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Damage production in iron of HFTM rigs HFTM rigs Material compositions

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF Standard IFMIF Library vs. FENDL-3/SLIB : Displacement damage production cross- sections of iron Iron (MT=444) Fe-56 (MT=444) Fe-54 (MT=444)

2 nd Research Coordination Meeting on FENDL-3, IAEA, Vienna, March 23 – 26, U. Fischer, KIT, FENDL-3/SLIB data testing for IFMIF FENDL-3/SLIB Testing - Conclusions It works for IFMIF applications ! Good results for n- and -flux spectra Nuclear heating in general good Gas production data Problems in d and t production data (iron, NaK) Reduced damage production in Eurofer (20%) Still many "matching problems" at 20 MeV Further applications tests required for Tritium release & creep/fatigue Test Modules, and shielding calculations