OECD Forum on the Restated Jobs Strategy MEXICO
Mexico is following a comprehensive approach that strives to include the four pillars of the OECD restated strategy: a)an appropriate macroeconomic policy b)the promotion of labor market participation c)support for job creation d)the development of labor skills
GROWTH Expected growth rate: 4% Sources: INEGI, IMF, and Banxico Base year: billion dollars
Source: IMSS. Job Creation (Thousand jobs, Aug-Dec of each year) Workers Insured at IMSS (Million workers, sa) GROWTH
ECONOMIC STABILITY Source: Banco de México Inflation, average anualized monthly rate
COMPETITIVENESS The Federal Government works to reduce inefficiencies and to simplify norms and procedures. It also promotes an agenda of economic reforms. The Federal Government works to reduce inefficiencies and to simplify norms and procedures. It also promotes an agenda of economic reforms. Mexico, Canada and the United States strengthen the competitiveness of companies established in North America. Mexico, Canada and the United States strengthen the competitiveness of companies established in North America. Alliance for the Security and Prosperity in North America (ASPAN), launched in March of 2005.Alliance for the Security and Prosperity in North America (ASPAN), launched in March of 2005.
JOB-SEARCH SUPPORT Job Centers Job Centers In place since the 1970sIn place since the 1970s Employment fairs Employment fairs Reducing transaction costsReducing transaction costs
DEVELOPING NEW LINKING MECHANISMS Chambatel Chambatel Toll-free phone consultation in under 7 minutesToll-free phone consultation in under 7 minutes Chambanet Chambanet Web page providing support to employers and job seekersWeb page providing support to employers and job seekers “Mi Chamba” newspaper “Mi Chamba” newspaper Distributed throughout the country every two weeksDistributed throughout the country every two weeks Centers for Labor Intermediation Centers for Labor Intermediation Providing business infrastructure to job-seekersProviding business infrastructure to job-seekers
HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Workshops for job seekers Workshops for job seekers Helping overcome personal obstaclesHelping overcome personal obstacles Becate Scholarship Program Becate Scholarship Program For young people with no professional experience, and for those who require improved or updated trainingFor young people with no professional experience, and for those who require improved or updated training
DIVERSIFYING THE ACTIVE LABOR MARKET Formal Employment Formal Employment Economic support for job seekers with previous experience in the formal job marketEconomic support for job seekers with previous experience in the formal job market Project for Productive Investment Project for Productive Investment Financing investment project with long-term, regional, comprehensive approachFinancing investment project with long-term, regional, comprehensive approach Agricultural Workers Agricultural Workers Aimed at the 1.2 million people who seek seasonal agricultural sector employmentAimed at the 1.2 million people who seek seasonal agricultural sector employment Repatriated at Work Repatriated at Work Helping Mexican migrants who return to MexicoHelping Mexican migrants who return to Mexico Opening Spaces Opening Spaces Facilitating the employment of the elderly and people with disabilitiesFacilitating the employment of the elderly and people with disabilities
BILATERAL PROGRAM Mexico-Canada Temporary Agricultural Workers Program In place since 1974In place since 1974 In 2005, 11,720 individuals participated in this program. In the first six months of 2006, 9,913 more were employed.In 2005, 11,720 individuals participated in this program. In the first six months of 2006, 9,913 more were employed. Controlled and pre-established timetable for movement between the countriesControlled and pre-established timetable for movement between the countries
EMBASSY OF MEXICO TO JAPAN Nagata-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo (81-3)