Lesson 1 Cells Introduction Year 10Biology CELLS HCSC, Term
Learning GoalSuccess Criteria To organize workbook and review course To identify the requirements of living things To describe cells and their function I’ve taken notes I’ve compared prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Lesson overview Setting up -Workbook/Course Map Activating prior knowledge Sharing what we know about Biology New information Power point -Cells introduction Apply new information Compare Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells What else: Cell Organelle function
New Information Note-taking: Make your own notes (not verbatim) in a way that will help you remember. Strong relationship between the amount of information taken as notes, regular revision and student achievement. Effort: Enhances achievement and has a direct effect on student success. ◦ If students believe that effort is the most important factor in achievement they have a motivational tool that can apply to any situation.
Apply New Information Go to our Class wiki to access class materials. Use the information contained in the power point and your notes to compare similarities and differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells using a Venn Diagram Independent work
New Information/ Apply information Power point introduction to Cell Organelle Function. Your Task: Investigate each of the cell organelle functions ◦ Choose your own method of summarising your information to describe the function of each organelle. ◦ e.g. You can map your information or create a table or organiser to display your information. Use your netbook or handwrite. ◦ Due at the end of next lesson.
Goal Review What did you learn about Energy today? Goal Review What did you learn about Energy today? Success Criteria: I’ve taken notes I’ve compared prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Success Criteria: I’ve taken notes I’ve compared prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells