April 2013 Command Brief
ContentContent 1.Establishment of the C2COE 2.Coe Community 3.C2COE Community of Interest 4.Summary C2COE 5.Organization C2COE 6.Mission statement 7.Focus areas
Establishment of the C2COE 2002 Prague Summit ACO JFC’s ACT MC 324/1 COE’s MCM JWC JFTC JALLC POW + budget Accreditation Steering Board multinational 2009 POW + budget
CoE Community
C2COE Community of Interest NATO Member Nations ACT ACO NATO Preferred customer Expert centers NATO nations NATO agencies/schools Other NATO CoEs NCOIC Academia/R&D centers Expertise Operational Coordination Operational Control Customer Coordination POW + BUDGET Multinational Steering Board C2COE
9 nations 21 people (16 project officers) 60 projects Higher level = steering board (9 nations) NATO Allied Command Transformation = primary customer Summary C2COE
OA: Operational AssessmentAC: Analysis & ConceptsEM: Expertise Management EM 01 Section Head Expertise Management OF-4 SS 14 Public Info Manager CIV AC12 SO C2 Technology OF-4 DR01 Director OF-5 DR02 Dep Director OF-4 AC 01 Section Head Analysis & Concepts OF-4 EM14 SO EM OF AC15 SO Organization OF-3 SS 01 Section Head Support Staff/Control/Security Officer CIV SS 11 Office Management/ Foreign Liaison Office CIV SS12 Financial Manager CIV SS 13 Facility Manager CIV OA 01 Section Head Operational Assessment OF-4 EM12 SO EM OF-4 OA13 SO OA OF-3 OA12 SO OA OF-4 OA14 SO OA OF-3 AC14 SO Human factors OF-3 EM15 SO EM OF-3 OA11 SO OA OF-4 EM11 SO EM OF-4 AC11 SO C2 Doctrine OF-4 OA15 SO OA OF-3 AC13 SO Leadership & Education OF-3 EM13 SO EM OF C2COE ORGANISATION CHART March 2013 OrganisationOrganisation
The C2COE supports NATO, nations and international institutions or organizations by providing subject matter expertise on all aspects of the Command and Control (C2) process with a focus on the operational environment. Mission Statement
Train/observe/assess the operations Train/observe/assess exercises Support training and education Support policy development Knowledge development Focus areas