Cooperation Program in the field of meteorology between Roshydromet and NOAA Cooperation Program in the field of meteorology between Roshydromet and NOAA 5.Climate Research and Services Management of ground-based climate data exchange and empirical and statistic analyses of current and historical change of terrestrial climate, including exchange of snow depth and snow-water equivalent data 5.1 Improved Quality of Data and Data Exchange for Climate Research and Analysis
I. Management of ground-based climate data exchange 1.Exchange of snow depth and snow-water equivalent data Data set “Routine snow surveys” Data set “ Snow cover characteristics” Snow and ice crust data set (td-9808) 2. Data set “Daily soil temperature at depths to 320sm” 3. Data set “Daily air temperature and precipitation” 4. Data Set 9290c. (Eight-time-per-day data set)
On the RIHMI-WDC server, access to the data sets, data retrieval for the stations of user’s interest, and data view and copying are provided by AISORI specialized technology
1. Data set “ Snow cover characteristics” The data set was created from regular snow observations at 223 meteorological stations located over the former USSR territory.(Snow depth, extent of snow cover around the station) 2.Data set “Routine snow surveys” The dataset has routine snow surveys that run throughout the cold season every 10 days (every five days during the intense snowmelt) at 517 meteorological stations of Russia. 3.Snow and ice crust data set (td-9808) Exchange of snow depth and snow-water equivalent data
2. Data set “Daily soil temperature at depths to 320sm” Soil temperature is measured on the depths 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320 cm under original surface. 431 station
3. Data set “Daily air temperature and precipitation” 518 station The first version of the data set was initially created within the framework of the international cooperation between RIHMI-WDC (Russia) and CDIAC (USA) and was published by CDIAC on CD-ROM(USA) as NDP-040 [1]. The initial version of the data set was created from the list of 223 stations over the former USSR whose data were published in The USSR Meteorological Monthly (Part 1: Daily Data). The list of 518 stations is prepared based on (a) the List of Roshydromet stations that are included in the Global Climate Observation Network (the List was approved by the Head of Roshydromet on 25 March 2004) and (b) the List of Roshydromet benchmark meteorological stations.
4. Data Set 9290c. (Eight-time-per-day data set) Year Mons Day Time Local Moscow / Grenveech YearMonthDayObservations time
Creation of Russian station history metadata Quality-control method Homogeneisation of data sets Main reasons: Change in the observation procedure Change in meteorological data processing procedures Instrumental change Displacement of meteorological stations
II. Empirical and statistic analyses of current and historical change of terrestrial climate 1.Climate Change 2.Climate Monitoring
Joint publications: 1.O. N. Bulygina, P. Ya. Groisman, V. N. Razuvaev, and V. F. Radionov Snow cover basal ice layer changes over Northern Eurasia since Environ. Res. Lett doi: / /5/1/ / /5/1/ O.N. Bulygina, P.Ya. Groisman, V.N. Razuvaev and N.N. Korshunova CHANGES IN SNOW COVER CHARACTERISTICS OVER NORTHERN EURASIA SINCE Environ. Res. Lett. 3. O.N. Bulygina, P.Ya. Groisman, V.N. Razuvaev and N.N. Korshunova.2011 Changes snowpack density over Northern Eurasia since AGU FALL MEETING 2011
Preparation of Russian contribution into State of the Climate (Bull. Amer.Meteor. Soc.) CLIMATE MONITORING 1. Temperature 2. Rainfall 3. Notable events Weather over the territory of the Russian Federation in 2010
Mean annual air temperature anomalies for the period of averaged over the territory of Russia. CLIMATE CHANGE IN RUSSIA
Anomalies (deviations from averages) of mean seasonal air temperatures averaged over the Russian territory CLIMATE CHANGE IN RUSSIA
Weather over the territory of the Russian Federation in 2010 Weather conditions in February 2010 а) Air temperature anomalies. Insets show the series of mean monthly air temperatures in February and mean daily air temperatures in February 2010 at meteorological stations Hoseda- Hard and Tol’ka; b) Percentage of monthly precipitation totals. Insets show monthly precipitation total series in February and daily precipitation in February 2010 at meteorological stations Smolensk and Ayan.
Anomalies (deviations from averages) of mean winter air temperatures (December – February) averaged over quasi-homogeneous climatic regions, CLIMATE CHANGE IN RUSSIA
Extreme Heat Wave over European Russia in Summer Air temperature anomalies in Summer (JJA) 2010.