R USSIAN R EVOLUTION T IMELINE 1917 Czar Nicholas II surrenders. A provisional republic is established. Bolsheviks seize power Bolsheviks change their name to The Communist Party Red Army, led by Trotsky, defeats Whites in the Civil war. Lenin becomes leader of Soviet Union (Russia).
1924 Lenin grows ill and dies. Stalin and Trotsky compete for power. Stalin uses lies and manipulation Trotsky is exiled and Stalin becomes leader Farmers refuse to surrender their food; Stalin crushes the revolt Massive famine in Soviet Union (now called Russia).
1933 Soviets begin limited trading with the West Stalin uses secret police to eliminate opposition Stalin signs Non-Aggression Pact with Hitler Germans invade Soviet Union. Russians stop the invasion but suffer heavy losses. Trotsky is assassinated Roosevelt, Churchill, and other Western leaders meet with Stalin.