CHAPTER 25 Nuclear Chemistry III. Fission & Fusion (p ) III. Fission & Fusion (p ) I IV III II
A. F ission Nuclear Reactions produce exponentially more energy than chemical reactions. (nuclear bomb vs. dynamite chemical bombs) Fission is splitting a nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei 1 g of 235 U = 3 tons of coal
A. F ission chain reaction - self-propagating reaction critical mass - mass required to sustain a chain reaction Super-critical is when chain rxn goes too fast… MELTDOWN
B. Fusion combining of two nuclei to form one nucleus of larger mass thermonuclear reaction – requires temp of 40,000,000 K to sustain 1 g of fusion fuel = 20 tons of coal occurs naturally in stars
C. Fission vs. Fusion 235 U is limited danger of meltdown toxic waste thermal pollution Heavy hydrogen fuel is abundant no danger of meltdown no toxic waste not yet sustainable FISSIONFISSION FUSIONFUSION
CHAPTER 25 Nuclear Chemistry IV. Applications I IV III II
A. Nuclear Power Fission Reactors Cooling Tower
A. Nuclear Power Fission Reactors
A. Nuclear Power Fusion Reactors (not yet sustainable)
A. Nuclear Power Fusion Reactors (not yet sustainable) Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor Princeton University National Spherical Torus Experiment
B. Synthetic Elements Transuranium Elements elements with atomic #s above 92 synthetically produced in nuclear reactors and accelerators most decay very rapidly
C. Radioactive Dating half-life measurements of radioactive elements are used to determine the age of an object decay rate and amount of radioactive material remaining indicate the age EX: 14 C – can date ages of up to 40,000 years 238 U and 40 K - over 300,000 years old
PET Scan Positron Emission Topography Inject or swallow a sugar with a radioactive tag that emits positron, which are measured by a scanner
D. Nuclear Medicine Radioisotope Tracers (bonded to sugars, proteins, or medicines) absorbed by specific organs and used to diagnose diseases Radiation Treatment larger doses are used to kill cancerous cells in targeted organs internal or external radiation source Radiation treatment using -rays from cobalt-60.
E. Nuclear Weapons Atomic Bomb chemical explosion is used to form a critical mass of 235 U or 239 Pu fission develops into an uncontrolled chain reaction Hydrogen Bomb chemical explosion fission fusion fusion increases the fission rate more powerful than the atomic bomb
F. Others Food Irradiation radiation is used to kill bacteria Radioactive Tracers explore chemical pathways trace water flow study plant growth, photosynthesis Consumer Products ionizing smoke detectors Am