1951 refugee convention states that a refugee; “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”
So what is an asylum seeker? An asylum seeker is simply someone who has not yet been officially recognised as a refugee by a country they are applying to.
2014 Video by Banksy
One of the refugee camps in Jordan, across the border from Syria 160,000 people live here.
'No one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land'
Cold, wet and without shelter
First Vienna FC, Austria
Celtic, Scotland
Derry City, Ireland
NORWICH City FC held a day of action which raised more than £60,000 for the Save the Children Child Refugee Crisis Appeal.
Bayern Munich Donating 1 million euro to support refugees Set up a football training camp for refugees Entering the field on Saturday holding hands with one German child and one refugee child
"Bayern sees it as his social responsibility to help the refugees, needy children, women and men, to help them and to accompany them in Germany.“ – Karl-Heinz Rumenigge, Chairman
Germany has taken in 800,000 refugees from the civil war in Syria
Russia has taken in 800,000 refugees from the civil war in Ukraine
Britain’s response From the leaders: “already welcomed 216 vulnerable Syrians to the UK.” Furthermore, “since the crisis began we have granted asylum to nearly 5,000 Syrians and their dependents.” The UK Government has offered to accept 20,000 refugees over five years. Many people feel that we should take many more. One retired judge said the UK could cope with taking in 75,000 a year.
Empathy “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another”.
Reflection Time: Is it possible to put yourself in the position of someone who is a refugee? Why do you think so many parts of the world are in such chaos? Who should be helping to solve this crisis and what are the arguments for and against us helping at this school? What can you do personally to help?