LibQual at UAB Lister Hill Library Pat Higginbottom Associate Director for Public Services
2002 Faculty, staff and students of health related schools by —relied on schools 447 responses 133 comments
2005 Faculty, staff and students in the health sciences schools and the hospital by campus wide 1,120 responses 372 comments
Fall 2007 ?
Items with the Highest Desired (Mean) Scores “What the Users Really Want Most” ItemText2005(2002) IC-2A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own8.37 (8.22) IC-4The electronic information resources I need8.35 IC-1Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office8.33(8.21) IC-8Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work8.33 IC-5Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information8.32(8.25) IC-6Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own8.27(8.17) IC-7Making information easily accessible for independent use8.23(8.16) AS-3Employees who are consistently courteous8.22(8.24) AS-5Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions8.15(8.34) AS-8Willingness to help users8.13(8.09)
Items with the Highest Perceived (Mean) Scores “The Users Think We are Doing Okay” ItemText2005(2002) AS-4Readiness to respond to users’ questions7.61 (7.57) AS-3Employees who are consistently courteous7.59(7.60) IC-5Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information7.57(7.12) AS-8Willingness to help users7.55(7.22) AS-5Employees who have the knowledge to answer user questions7.50(7.47) IC-7Making information easily accessible for independent use7.48(7.33) AS-9Dependability in handling users’ service problems7.43(7.33) AS-6Employees who deal with users in a caring fashion7.40(7.39) LP-2Quiet space for individual activities7.40(6.86) IC-4The electronic information resources I need7.38
Items with the Lowest Adequacy Gap Scores “The Users Think We are Furthest from Meeting Their Desired Expectations” ItemText2005(2002) IC-8Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work0.08 IC-1Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office0.13 (0.04) IC-2A library Web site enabling me to locate information on my own0.16 (0.50) IC-4The electronic information resources I need0.27 IC-6Easy-to-use access tools that allow me to find things on my own 0.28 (0.49) IC-5Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information0.41 (0.35) IC-7Making information easily accessible for independent use0.45 (0.58) AS-7Employees who understand the needs of their users0.46 (0.54) IC-3The printed library materials I need for my work0.46 AS-9Dependability in handling users’ service problems0.47 (0.60)
2005 Results Distributed to library staff Staff training session Posted on library web page Used as a metric for university scorecardUsed as a metric for university scorecard REVIEWED AND IMPLEMENTED CHANGES
Much more emphasis on organization of web page More emphasis on licensing electronic materials Increase marketing/PR activities