Cannon County School System’s Parent Academy Parents’ Right-to-Know November 29, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Cannon County School System’s Parent Academy Parents’ Right-to-Know November 29, 2012

Parents Right-to-Know ESEA Section IIII(h)(6) O Parent Bill of Rights We believe that parents have rights and that their concerns are important.

A Healthy Learning Environment O Parents have the right to know that their child will be safe at school, physically and emotionally. O Parents have the right to know that all children will be treated fairly regardless of race, creed, national origin, economic status, gender, or age and that each child will be treated as an individual. O Parents have the right to know that any negative or cruel behavior among students or between students and staff will not be tolerated.

Discrimination Is Against the Law Title VI Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in all programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. 34 C.F.R. Part100 Title IX Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. 34 C.F.R. Part106 Section 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. 34 C.F.R. Part104 Title II Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities. 28 C.F.R. Part 35

Professional Qualifications of Instructional Staff This information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers including, at a minimum: O Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction. O Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived. O The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the filed of discipline of the certification or degree. O Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. O If at any time your child has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher not highly qualified, the school will notify you.

Clear, Courteous Communication O Parents have the right to be treated with courtesy by all members of the staff. O Parents have the right to participate in meaningful parent- teacher conferences to discuss their child’s school progress and welfare. O Parents have the right to visit schools and classes. O Parents have the right to know that they can approach a staff member with a concern and that the staff member will listen carefully and will do everything possible to address the issue.

Clear Courteous Communication The Power of Partnership Family Survey 2012 Results Welcoming All Families 1. When I walk into the school, I feel the school is inviting and that this is a place where parents “belong.” 2. The school’s policies and programs reflect, respect, and value the diversity of the families in the community. 3. Students at the school are treated fairly no matter what their race or culture background. 4. I feel welcomed at PTA/parent group meetings. SAANDSD Q140.00% 12.00%6.00%2.00% Q240.65%45.08% 9.40%3.49%1.39% Q344.44%36.07%12.67%3.70%3.13% Q445.40%29.00%16.31%6.34%2.95% Avg.42.62%37.54%12.60%4.88%2.37%

Clear Courteous Communication The Power of Partnership Family Survey 2012 Results Communicating Effectively O The school keeps all families informed about important issues & events. O The school makes it easy for families to communicate with teachers. O The school communicates with families in multiple ways (e.g., e- mail, phone, website). O I can talk to the school principal when I need to. O My child’s teacher communicates with me on a regular basis. O It is easy to get a translator if I need one. SAANDSD Q141.28%32.10%11.92%9.35%5.35% Q248.27%32.49%11.26%4.29%3.70% Q340.91%27.46%16.26%11.86%3.52% Q450.04%33.41%9.22%6.15%1.19% Q546.91%31.40%8.62%8.92%4.14% Q617.86%15.24%64.61%2.29%0.00% Avg.40.88%28.68%20.32%7.14%2.98%

Information on School Programs O Parents have the right to information on academic requirements of the school program. O Parents have the right to inspect their child’s record and respond to any statement. O Parents have the right to be informed of all programs in special education. O Parents have the right to appeal the placement of their child in a special education class. O Parents have the right to extra assistance from the school, including counseling, tutorial, and remedial programs

10 Measuring Academic Success

Standard Achievement Test Cannon County Schools District Summary Kindergarten ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ’12 Nationa l PR-S Total Reading K.6 K.6 K Sounds & Letters K.7 K.7 K Word Reading K.5 K.6 K Sentence Reading K.4 K.5 K Mathematics 1.0 K Environment Listening 1.0 K Basis Battery K.6 K.7 K Complete Battery K.8 K First Grade ‘10‘11‘12’12 National PR-S Total Reading Word Study Skills Word Reading Sentence Reading Reading Comprehension Total Mathematics Mathematics Problem Solving Mathematics Procedures Language Spelling K Environment Listening Basic Battery Complete Battery

O Percentile Rank (PR) O A standard score derived from the Scaled Score that indicates the relative standing of a student in comparison to the same-grade students in the norm (reference) group who took the same subtest at a comparable time. For example, a PR of 75 means that for a particular subtest the student performed as well as or better than 75% of the students in the reference group. O Stanine (S) O A standard score derived from the Percentile Rank that ranges from 1 to 9, with a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 2. Like Percentile Ranks, Stanines indicate a student’s relative standing with respect to a reference group. Usually, Stanines of 1,2, and 3 indicate a Below Average performance; 4,5, and 6 are Average, and 7, 8, and 9 are Above Average. O Grade Equivalent (GE) O A norm-referenced standard score that represents the average performance of students tested in a given month of the school year. Subject to misinterpretation, Grade Equivalents are best used to interpret the performance of groups of students rather than the performance of standing of an individual. O Expected GE Score for this test administration would be the Grade Level Tested +.9. For example, expected score for Kindergarten Classes would be K.9, for First Grade Classes 1.9, and for Second Grade Classes 2.9. Second Grade ‘10‘11‘12’12 National PR-S Total Reading Word Study Skills Reading Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Total Mathematics Mathematics Problem Solving Mathematics Procedures Language Spelling Environment Listening Basic Battery Complete Battery

TVAAS: Value-Added Matrix

TVAAS: Value-Added Matrix

TVAAS: Value-Added Matrix

Transparency of Data 2012 Report Card To view the 2012 Report Card for each school, click on the 2012 Report Card Link. Be sure to click on the option buttons and drop down menus, to specify the name of the system and school. Percentage of Highly Qualified Teachers To view the % of Teachers Highly Qualified for each school, click on the % of Teachers Highly Qualified Link. Be sure to click on the option buttons and drop down menus, to specify the name of the system and school. Available Data The Tennessee Department of Education will release data sets for public use that will allow individuals and education researchers the ability to use and analyze state data for various purposes.

Cannon County High School Attendance Graduation Rate AllEDSWD

Pre-K News & Updates O Common Core State Standards O Tennessee Governor’s Children’s Cabinet O Age of Entry

Your Participation in Cannon County’s Parent Academy is Appreciated! The floor is open for discussion.