CfE Business Education The Role of Human Resources – Lesson 3 HUMAN RESOURCES
LEARNING INTENTIONS To know the 4 roles of Human Resource Management and to know why they are important to a business I can identify the 4 roles of Human Resource Management I am able to briefly describe the role of training and development I understand the importance of this to a business SUCCESS CRITERIA
What are the 4 Roles of Human Resource Management? Recruitment and Selection of Staff Training and Development Staff Welfare Working Practices
Training and Development To improve their skills and to learn new ones This will allow them to become more efficient at their job It will also enable them to apply for promotion Once a business has employed a person they will offer training and development opportunities
Training and Development Induction training In-house training External training Organisations can offer 3 types of training.
Training and Development safe methods of working location of the job equipment to be used meeting your new colleagues Induction training is given to new employees and includes
Training and Development Sitting next to Nellie - working alongside an experienced member of staff Work shadowing - observing an experienced member of staff as they do their job Mentoring - being assigned to another member of staff whom you can go to for help and advice In-house training takes place in the workplace
Training and Development At a college so training may lead to a recognised qualification At a Training Centre where experts teach the most up-to-date skills and techniques External training takes place away from the workplace
Training and Development Development means giving employees time to improve their performance in the workplace JJob appraisal is when a manager and a worker meet to discuss how the worker is progressing.
Training and Development strengths and weaknesses are noted training needs are agreed achievements are recognised good performance is rewarded targets can be set During Staff Appraisal
Training and Development This means they attract high calibre applicants Existing staff are motivated and are less likely to leave Organisations who regularly train their staff and operate an on-going staff development programme are regarded as good employers.