Employment and Skills Partnership Alliance Lyn Gardner July 2011
JHP Group - The Company £70M+ turnover employing > 1,400 staff MBO in January 2010, LDC funded JHP in skills and employability as: –a deliverer –a sub contractor –a manager of supply chain arrangements Strongly committed to our core values and core ethos –Staff: IiP Gold and IiP Champion –High quality, high success rates: Ofsted Grade 2 –Our values are our competitive advantage, conscience and map –And…underpin our strong commercial drive to reach and benefit lives of staff, learners and clients Key and distinctive strengths in technology, IES, IWS and with performance in the top decile
Introduction Skills 2nd largest independent training provider No 1 in Apprenticeships, NVQs, flexible – span Entry level to Level 5 Work based learning and commercial training – employers Employability Awarded largest contract by Skills Funding Agency for Programmes for the Unemployed DWP awarded 7 ERSS framework contracts (maximum allowed) Work Programme: 1 of just 18 prime providers MWA: Scotland and NW
Our Vision: Work Programme To replicate or continue previous business models and practices will = FAILURE It is NOT more of the same What is so radical? It is the biggest transfer of risk to the private sector Payment by results Changing the focus from job search and placement to: Holistic - understanding and meeting personal needs Progression - personal and professional Employer opportunity and support
Key to our success… Partnership: 77% delivery via our supply chain Technology –Diagnostic tools feeding into online action plans, CVs –Job matching immediately ( , post and texting) –Case and employer management – matching and managing –MIS, client tracking and performance measurement –Staff development through our Virtual Academy IES and IWS –Engaging with and meeting employer need –Creating opportunities with employers, developing people Leadership and management –Staff : Induction and development programme (ND to WP, ‘can do’) Regional Stakeholder engagement through convergence of government policy - ‘making work pay’