Quality Assurance in HE and VET May, 2006 Graz Workshop 7 QIBB – Qualitätsinitiative Berufsbildung The Austrian Approach to Quality in VET Part 1: Elements & principles of QIBB Part 2: Evaluation within the framework of QIBB
Part 1: Elements & principles of QIBB Austrian VET system QIBB guidelines & methodology Key processes & main indicators Implementation
VET system n ~ students ( CVET)
Education management National level Regional level Local level
Autonomy and decentralization Low regulation: Management by objectives and frameworks; Involvement of stakeholders Budget suplied by government (student based mechanism) Highly regulated Great influence by teacher unions
The QIBB System
QIBB principles Benefits for stakeholders CIP (PDCA- cycle) 3 „r´s“ (result, responibility, respect) Reference model for all VET providers Network of 6 QM- systems All system levels Optimisation programme
Quality Manifesto Implementation of QIBB (2005, each level of administration) Regular and systematic evaluation Annual quality report (balance, follow-up) Annual management & performance review
PDCA cycle
9 key processes on school-level School programme Designing of educational offers Acceptance of students Teaching Performance assessment School partnership and the business sector Staff management Resource management Quality management
Main Indicators M11 Systematic Evaluation# 1 share of VET-providers applying QM-systems respecting the CQAF QIBBCQAF # 6 share of participants who have completed a VET programme successfully # 7 Destination of trainees after training # 9 Mechanism to relate developments in labour market to VET-systems # 8 Utilisation of acquired skills at the workplace M10 Systematic staff development K4 School achievements & educational success K1 Career prospects and professional usefulness of training K3 Up-to-dateness, innovation and practice-orientation # 2 investment of training of trainers
Status quo of QIBB
QIBB & Educational Standards
QIBB and EQF Quality Assurance (definition of processes, systematic planning & evaluation) mutual trust & transparency mutual recognition of competences mobility employability & LLL