PMDS A School Perspective James Curtin School of Food Science & Environmental Health February 26 th 2013
B UILDING A S CHOOL TDP Team Development Planning is at the core of PMDS Staff buy-in to the TDP is essential. A sense of collective ownership is important. Ideally, all staff will see how they can contribute to the TDP prior to PDP meetings. The TDP must be aligned to College and Institute goals. Goals should be realistic and achievable within the timeframe.
D EVELOPING A S CHOOL TDP Executive A School TDP wiki page was set up All input documents were uploaded Achievable goals were identified and prioritised Staff Staff reviewed & revised the draft TDP on the Wiki A School workshop was held to review strategic goals New objectives were suggested for consideration Executive Wiki page TDP updated on the basis of staff consultation All staff circulated with agreed TDP PDP meetings began
S UMMARY OF TDP O BJECTIVES 1.1 School representative to enrol and play an active part in the College TLA committee 1.2 Circulate and utilise up to date metrics for effective running of programmes 1.3 Develop a large (60-70) undergraduate teaching laboratory. 1.4 Establish a new Module Committee to identify module duplication within the School and between the School and other Schools in the College. 1.5 Align Common first year in the School to Common level 8 first year in the College. Teaching Learning and Assessment 2.1 TO's involvement when laboratory based post grad/undergrad and other research projects are being proposed and planned. 2.2 All postgraduate students should undergo a safety induction and meet technical staff prior to commencement of laboratory work. All postgrads working in the lab should sign the student safety declaration sheet. 2.3 Postgraduate laboratories should be inspected regularly by supervisors. 2.4 The introduction of a cleaning schedule in postgraduate labs should be compulsory 2.5 Research Active Staff should identify research centre(s) that they can be a part of. 2.6 School participation on the College Research Committee and all sub-committees. Research 3.1 School Representation on the College Engagement Committee and all sub-committees. 3.2 Establish a School Engagement Committee 3.3 Identify and categorise types of engagement ongoing in the School. 3.4 Embed all programme related engagement activities in the relevant programme document(s). 3.5 Establish a small number of strategic international partnerships. Engagement
S ESSION 2: R EVISE, V ERIFY ALIGNMENT AND SUGGEST NEW OBJECTIVES 4.1 Participate on College Resources and Facilities Management Committee. 4.2 Establish a School Resources and Facilities Committee. 4.3 Identify and prioritise key upgrades to facilities and equipment for the School. 5.1 School representative to enrol and play an active part in the College Staff Development committee. 5.2 Develop Team Development Plan for the School and implement PMDS from September Identify individual strengths and contributions of staff in School and implement supports for staff development through PDP cycles. 5.4 Strategically allocate resources for staff development in line with School TDP. 5.5 Better more suitable and targeted communication with P/T and HPAL lecturers- e.g explaining their role, start and finish dates for lectures, involvement in assessment, collecting and submitting marked scripts. Need for them to know and observe normal practice 5.6 Implement DIT policy for recruitment, appointment, induction and probation for all new HPAL and Demonstrator staff. Student Services and People 6.1 School representative to enrol and play an active part in the College Review Steering Committee. 6.2 Reviewing and Organising modules using Institute guidelines for contact hours. 6.3 Identify discipline homes for provision of certain thematic areas. 6.4 Develop strategic links with International Institutions in Food, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Health sectors. 6.5 Identify and begin development of new programme delivery opportunities in niche areas (in line with Hunt Report). 6.6 Work with the GDA and colleagues in S&H to develop detailed plans for Central Quad and EHSI. 6.7 Review the recommendations and status of FSEH in College Action Plan and last School Review. Organisational Development 7.1 Plan for budgeting, especially in relation to hospitality/travel and capital expenditure so that all suitable activities can be prioritised and facilitated. 7.2 Resources made available for staff development on the basis of the agreed PDP. 7.3 Engage in activities that provide a source of self generated income for the School(e.g. Springboard, International programmes) and decrease the reliance on RGAM income streams. 7.4 Strategically invest self generated income in activities that are likely to continue or increase the stream of self generated income in future years. 7.5 Capital Equipment to be purchased near end of year based on recommendations by a review panel. Financial
PDP M EETINGS All PDP meetings were held November 2012 to January 2013 PDP’s were carried out by School Management as follows: Follow-up meetings scheduled to review individual objectives and supports. HoSassistHoSSTO assistHoS STO 10 academic staff 9 academic staff4 Tech. Officers 2 Lab. Aides
S UMMARY OF PDP MEETINGS Some common discussion points: Staff training (short course and programmes). Integration of School into College. Review final year projects. Support for Research. Support for Work-placement. Interesting Observations: Simplified PDP process. Timeframe for many goals immediate. Financial support for PhD training. Supports for Progression. Opportunities for Promotion. Need for ongoing review of TDP goals and objectives. Specific issues for 5 year and other fixed term posts. What to do with posts shared between Schools.
I MPLEMENTATION AND CONTINUED A LIGNMENT TO C OLLEGE TDP School Forum Standing Items 1. School Team Development Plan 2. College Review Steering Committee 3. College Teaching and Learning Committee 4. College Flexible Learning Committee 5. College Research Committee 6. College Engagement Committee 7. College Stakeholder Catalogue 8. College International Committee 9. College Facilities and Resources Committee 10. College Staff Development Committee 11. College Health and Safety Committee
Thank you