Performance for All 28 November 2012 University of Reading Promoting Excellence Project
The University was experiencing a period of significant change Traditional/risk-averse institution Re-shaping – had it damaged our relationship with staff Further deficit to address Fees/student experience Competition Internationalisation New VC New HR Team
HR Strategy Promoting Excellence Project Staff Survey 2011
What the staff survey told us… 79% overall score for engagement Only 28% (49% neutral) agreed that a clear vision had been communicated Only 25% (45% neutral) agreed that poor performance was appropriately dealt with Only 30% agreed that the University recognises and rewards performance Only 42% found the SDR process helpful
HR Strategy Working Together: A Strategy for Success Not just an employer Supportive leadership Challenging culture Staff experience Celebrate success Embrace diversity Conduct outstanding research Promote the responsible application of new knowledge Educate talented people well
Managing performance A panacea?Too much emphasis on under-performance Create the right environment and excellent performance will follow…. ….and poor performance will be exposed Performance management should be done with rather than to staff
Supportive leadership Not just an employer Supportive leadership Challenging culture Staff experience Celebrate success Embrace diversity Creating the conditions that allow colleagues to fulfil their potential within their roles and careers Leaders given the appropriate support to fulfil their leadership potential Leaders provide a supportive environment where achievement and ambition is recognised, and poor performance is addressed Leaders are concerned for staff wellbeing Coaching and mentoring for those in leadership positions Succession planning and talent management Values and behaviours Clear performance expectations for all staff
Celebrate success Not just an employer Supportive leadership Challenging culture Staff experience Celebrate success Embrace diversity Recognising and rewarding achievement at the earliest possible opportunity Staff are encouraged to be ambitious and rewarded for their contributions Rewards reflect values and behaviours Communicate and share success across the University Achieving better promotion, and take up, of existing reward opportunities Re-inforcing links between performance and reward, aligned with values and behaviours Introducing new progression and career path arrangements
Promoting Excellence Project (PEP) Setting & Communicating Expectations Building Leadership and Management Capabilities Linking Performance and RewardProcedural Review
PEP – key messages Question everythingIf it inhibits excellence – change itWhere we see excellence – recognise, reward and celebrate itTake every opportunity to signal change
What our staff have seen, so far…. Statement of Values and Professional BehavioursNew academic career paths/ revised Personal Titles procedures New suite of reward arrangements, including an on-line voucher scheme New leadership & management development programme in conjunction with Henley Business School New arrangements for appointing to Academic leadership roles, eg Heads of School New Employee Assistance Programme Working group to re-engineer the Staff Development Review process
How Simitive fits in … A further symbol of change/doing things differently/re-shapes the SDRClear line of sight to University strategic prioritiesClarity of expectation/fit with University prioritiesReinforce University values and behavioursEncourage objective setting for line managersEncourage ownership of objectives by individual staffCaptures regular dialogue between managers and staffAligned with reward arrangements
Use of Simitive so far…. Estates & Facilities (building in own competency framework)HR TeamAcademic School – Biological SciencesVice-Chancellor – direct reportsFurther roll-out during 2013