Special Education Annual Report to the Board of Education Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District October 19, 2015
Special Education Special education is provided when a student with a disability requires specially designed instruction to meet their unique needs. In accordance with IDEA, the most basic responsibility school districts have regarding the education of children with disabilities is to provide all those eligible, a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment to meet their individual needs. In accordance with their Individualized Education Program, students are eligible until they obtain a local high school or regents diploma, or until the end of the school year in which the child turns 21.
School Aged Students Disability Category Autism Emotional Disturbance9108 Learning Disability Intellectual Disability545 Deafness000 Hearing Impairment111 Speech/Language Impairment Visual Impairment333 Orthopedic Impairment232 Other Health Impaired Multiple Disabilities766 Deaf-Blind000 Traumatic Brain Injury010 Total
S ERVICES P ROVIDED FOR N ON - P UBLIC S TUDENTS JD Residents10917 (4 decline) 13 (1 decline) Residents of other districts (15 decline) 72 (9 decline) Total # of students (19 decline) 85 (10 decline) New Evaluations of non-public students (16 eligible) 19 (5 eligible)
Preschoolers Age Age Total * Based on BEDS day data
Continuum of Services Consultant Teacher Services as a support to the regular education program Related Services as a support to the regular education program Resource Room Services as a support to the regular education program Special Class Services; 15:1 Supplanted Reading or Math Special Class Services; 12:1:1 (1 Elementary, 2 Middle School, 2 High School) Out of district placement (BOCES) Home/Hospital Instruction Residential Placement
OVERVIEW OF JAMESVILLE-DEWITT SPECIAL EDUCATION CSE RESPONSIBILITY In-district programs for school aged studentsIn-district programs for school aged students Non-public school aged studentsNon-public school aged students PreschoolersPreschoolers OCM BOCES ProgramsOCM BOCES Programs Charter SchoolsCharter Schools Incarcerated YouthIncarcerated Youth Parentally placed students in a public schoolParentally placed students in a public school
C OMMITTEE ON S PECIAL E DUCATION M EETINGS CPSE (preschool) CSE meetings in district CSE meetings in nonpublic Total
U TILIZATION OF BOCES P ROGRAMS Program Type Students with Multiple Disabilities 886 Intense Emotional/ Behavioral Needs Functional HS/GED 443 Total
S PECIAL C LASS R EADING K INDERGARTEN – GRADE School year ConversationConversation ExplorationExploration DeterminationDetermination Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development School Year Program Implementation (Elementary)Program Implementation (Elementary) Expanded Conversation to grades 5 and 6Expanded Conversation to grades 5 and School Year Program Implementation grades 5 and 6Program Implementation grades 5 and 6