Birmingham Public Schools A K-12 Narrative of Social Studies Education in 2015
Kindergarten & Learning Resource Room
Cody is Speech and Language Impaired and receives OT services. He is the youngest of 4, 3 older siblings are all medicated for ADHD. Cody struggles with completing work to a level comparable to that of his peers. Pencil grip, crossing the mid-line and using patience and perserverance when challenged (putting on coat, transitions in the classroom, peer interactions). Cody, age 5
Conditions Working throughout the day on: Positional words, Places and Regions, Environment and Society, Purposes of Government, Values and Principals in American Society, Market Economy, Identifying and Analyzing Public Issues, Persuasive Communication. Concious Discipline (Character Ed), MDE Socil Studies Standards, TCI, All building adults are all resources that align naturally with the standards. Resources take training, patience and practice.
History, Geography, Civics & Gov’t, Econ, Public Discourse All of the standards from MDE can be plugged into learning opportunities and projects throughout the school year across content areas. Living and Working Together = School Community Spatial Terms, Places and Regions, Environment = Math curiculum, mapping surroundings, wants and needs Purposes of Govermnet = School Rules Values and Principles = Pledge and Voting for classroom opportunities Role of Citizen in American Democracy = Safe Place, breathing exercises, school rules, take home folder, reader’s workshop books to and from home
Foundational Skills & Concepts (taught right away) Share School map (where’s the bathroom) Self advocacy (independence) Responsibility with personal materials
Assessment Strategies Visual confirmation of skill acquired. Teacher created. How does your diverse student respond to these assessments? Response initially is frustration, but growth and confidence follows. Consistency is key. In this box, share any connections that your social studies curriculum has with… The goals of the Strategic Plan Consistent use of strategies to mastery BPS Learner Profile Embedded throughout the school day C3 Framework (Inquiry Arc) Writer’s Workshop Social and Emotional Learning Standards Embedded throughout the school day Character Education’s 11 Principles Embedded throughout the school day NCSS Vision