A script free GUI Automation Framework using Sikuli Nikhil K R Sikulier A script free GUI Automation Framework using Sikuli Nikhil K R
What is SIKULI Sikuli is a GUI automation tool. Its approach uses image matching technology as opposed to the object level of the application. Find ( ) Click ( )
Why SIKULI Usually for automating GUI, we need Support from Developers API Access Language /OS dependencies Position/naming dependencies. Sikuli is based on picture matching, so does not require all these.
Scripting using Sikuli Sikuli has an easy to use IDE Supports multiple languages (need Sikuli IDE) Python Java Sikuli also supports stand alone Java APIs (does not required IDE)
Common Sikuli Operations Region Find FindAll Capture Wait Mouse Click Double click Right click Drag Drop Key Board Type Paste Key UP/DOWN Adjust the accuracy of image matching (70% by default)
Architecture Test Case Definition Automation Engine Image Repository Logs Reports
Features Based on Sikuli standalone Java API. Does not require knowledge of any programming languages. Testcase definition is Excel sheet based, no coding/scripting. Assertion using TestNG. Well integrated with Racetrack. Automatic screenshot capturing- in case of failure. Provision to group common operations to a method(eg : login). Options to define In-Session detection, which allows to execute test case without re-login (improves speed of execution of multiple testcases) Options to provide a set of matching images (helpful if images varies across browsers or machines) Options to define parent child relationship between the images. Detailed logging makes debugging easier.
Sample Testcase Spread sheet