Introduction to Proposal Arguments Scott Hale English 1213
Return to the Beginning… n How it all starts with Language… n Definitions are the first step in Knowledge n Definitions give way to Evaluations n Evaluations give way to Ethical determinations n Ethics give way to Proposals...
Do the Right Thing… n Proposals reflect our Ethics n Suggest what we should or shouldn’t do n Call for the audience to do something-- to take action n Always couched in proposal terms...
Kinds of Proposal Arguments n Practical n Policy
Practical Proposals n Limited in scope/breadth n Local as opposed to global –Scott’s English 1213 class should be more difficult…
Policy Proposals n Greater scope/breadth n Global as opposed to local –All English 1213 classes at OU should be more difficult
Principles of Proposal Arguments n All Proposal Arguments should do 3 things –Identify a Problem –Propose a Solution –Justify that Proposed Solution
Identifying the Problem n Convince the audience the problem exists n Place problem in larger social context to show how everyone is affected n Presence=Pathos
Proposing your Solution n How, What, Where, When, Why, and Who… n Going to NY… n Go East n Take I-35 to I-40… n Details, Details, Details…
Justifying Your Solution n Compare/Contrast with Other Solutions n Other Solutions that Address the Same Problem… –My solution to solve hunger is better than your solution to curb military spending
Toulmin Schema n C: Corporal Punishment should be used in public schools n R: b/c it will improve student discipline n G: Corporal Punishment will improve student discipline –EV: Step by Step Plan and Evidence n W: Anything that will improve student discipline is something that should be used in public schools n B: Evidence that student discipline is a problem
Three Kinds of Evidence n Evidence that the problem exists n Evidence that your solution will fix it n Evidence that other solutions won’t fix it as well