Marjorie Widmeyer LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30, 2006 1 LCLS Injector, Sector 21 and BC1 DC Magnet Power and Control.


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Presentation transcript:

Marjorie Widmeyer LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30, LCLS Injector, Sector 21 and BC1 DC Magnet Power and Control Systems Introduction and Overview Marjorie Widmeyer

LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30, Committee Members and Presenters Committee Marjorie Widmeyer, SSRL Electronics Engineering, Chairperson Glen James, LLNL Electronics Engineer Dave Nelson, SLAC PPA Electronics and Software Engineering Fernando Rafael, SSRL Electronics Enginneering Dan Shimer, LLNL Power Electronics Engineer, Retired Presenters Paul Bellomo, Antonio de Lira, Kristi Luchini, Dave McNair

Marjorie Widmeyer LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30,  The world's first x-ray free electron laser  Pulses of x-ray laser light much brighter and shorter than produced by other x-ray sources  Enable new sciences for discovering and probing new states of matter, understanding and following chemical reactions and biological processes in real time, imaging chemical and structural properties of materials on the nanoscale, and imaging non-crystalline biological materials at atomic resolution  Currently in the project engineering and design phase - operational in 2009 The LINAC Coherent Light Source (LCLS)

Marjorie Widmeyer LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30, Injector, Sector 21 and BC1 Power Systems Power System Purpose Provide controlled DC power for magnets needed to steer and focus the first LCLS-generated beams When Needed Install and test power and control systems during August through November 2006 PEP downtime Phase 1 Injector commissioning in December 2006 timeframe will entail Initial acceleration from Gun to Spectrometer Dump Subsequent acceleration from Gun to Tune-up Dump at the end of Bunch Compressor Cover Three Major Areas Injector, Sector 21 and Bunch Compressor 1

Marjorie Widmeyer LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30, SLAC linac tunnel research yard Linac-1 L  9 m Linac-2 L  330 m Linac-3 L  550 m BC-1 L  6 m BC-2 L  22 m LTU L =275 m undulator 135 MeV 250 MeV 4.54 GeV 14.1 GeV Linac-X L =0.6 m 21-3b24-6d25-1a30-8c Linac-0 L =6 m 6 MeV L0-A,B rfgun X T-Cav T-Cav LCLS MapDump Phase 1, 2006 down Spect. 21-1b21-1d Tune-up Dump

Marjorie Widmeyer LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30, Topics DC power and control for 90 magnets Dipoles, quadrupoles, correctors and trims for beam steering and focusing Intermediate power systems 10kW rack-mounted power supplies for dipoles and quadrupoles Ethernet PS controller integral component Small power systems 480W and 1500W modules for the corrector magnets, small quadrupole and trim magnets Controlled by VME DACs, ADCs and Digital IOs Ground Current Monitor Soft-start Circuit Racks to safely enclose all power supplies Sector 21 quadrupole magnet rearrangement for SLC to LCLS operation (not a part of the scope of first beam)

Marjorie Widmeyer LCLS Injector Magnet Power March 30, Committee Focus - End Slide Status Final design review Conceptual and Preliminary design reviews already held, albeit informally Equipment specifications written, hardware ordered, and 80% received Focus Degree of system integration Readiness to support programming Preparation for accelerator readiness review (test plans) Unresolved issues