Transport policy Croatia - Cooperation with EU agencies in pre-accession process The Republic of Croatia Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Lisbon, 26 November 2009 Community Agencies: Partners in Accession Danijel Krakić Directorate for Railway Traffic
Demands for candidate country Different experience for different modes of transport internationally oriented pre - cooperation Experience
Railways European Railway Agency (ERA) Obstacles for non – member countries Cooperation through workshops Cooperation through other institutions
Civil aviation European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Internationally oriented EASA-CARDS Convergence Plan Working Agreement between CCAA and EASA
Inland waterways No relevant Agency Cooperation through Agreements Cooperation through Danube and Sava commissions Croatian Community of Port authorities in inland waterways
Maritime transport European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) Internationally oriented Close cooperation Cooperation through EU funds projects
Road transport No relevant Agency Internationally oriented CORTE –Confederation of Organisations in Transport Enforcement Monitoring of the Implementation of Digital Tachograph (MIDT) Project
Conclusion Internationally oriented modes of transport are already “in” Long term approach Easier harmonization with EU acquise Awareness of future activities and procedures Further assistance necessary
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