A new SHIP-NPR reporting cycle began April 1, 2014, requiring state agencies to report: ---- client contacts each month ---- PAM events each month To help agencies monitor their compliance and progress with this new rule, four new standard reports are downloadable from SHIP-NPR……
New SHIP-NPR standard reports 1.REPORT #1 --- Counts of client contacts by agency (all agencies within a state) for a defined time period that lists all months individually 2.REPORT #2 --- Counts of client contacts by agency, and for all counselors within each agency, for a defined time period that lists all months individually 3.REPORT # Counts of PAM events by agency (all agencies within a state) for a defined time period that lists all months individually 4.REPORT #4 --- Counts of PAM events by agency, and for all contributors / presenters (up to 25) within each agency, for a defined time period that lists all months individually
New Client Contact Reports 1.REPORT #1 --- Counts of client contacts by agency (all agencies within a state) for a defined time period that lists all months individually 2.REPORT #2 --- Counts of client contacts by agency, and for all counselors within each agency, for a defined time period that lists all months individually
REPORT #1 can be used to monitor progress by agencies within your state in their monthly data entry of CC data. Steps include: 1. Click NPRR reports 2. Then, select a report titled, “Contacts - by Agency – by Date of Contact”
REPORT #1 allows user to display “All Agencies” in a single report that shows month-by-month counts of client contacts, by agency, by month for a specific time period: 1.Select a time period (specific months) from date fields shown on the screen. For this example, we will use Jan , to March 31, Select your state, here, we will use Arizona as an example.
From the drop down list of “Agencies”, Select, “all agency”.
The new REPORT #1 is a consolidated report (an example shown below) that displays counts of client contacts, for all agencies within Arizona, for each month during the period January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014, and a total for all months during the period. (NOTE: A previous report only displayed one column with totals for an individual agency).
Another report ---REPORT #2 --- has been created to monitor progress by individual counselors in entering their monthly CC data. The steps to access this report are similar to the prior report steps, and include: 1. Click NPRR reports 2. Then select the report titled “Contacts --- by Counselor ---- By Date of Contact”.
1.Select a time period (specific months) from date fields shown on the screen. For this example, we will again use Jan 1, 2014, to March 31, Select your state, here, we will use Arizona as an example again.
REPORT #2 allows user to display “All Agencies” in a single report that shows month-by-month counts of client contacts, by agency and counselor, for a specific time period: 1.Select “all of my agencies” under “Agency” 2.Select “All Counselor” from the dropdown list of individual counselors 3.Then, click “Submit”
The result is REPORT #2 --- a consolidated report (an example shown below) that displays counts of contact records entered by individual counselors, for all agencies within Arizona, for each month during the period January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014, and a total for all months during the period. (NOTE: A previous report only displayed one column with totals for an individual counselor). XXXXXXXXX | XXXXXXXXX (NOTE: Names of counselors in these columns have been suppressed to protect confidentiality.)
New PAM Reports REPORT # Counts of PAM events by agency (all agencies within a state) for a defined time period that lists all months individually REPORT #4 --- Counts of PAM events by agency, and for all contributors / presenters (up to 25) within each agency, for a defined time period that lists all months individually
REPORTS #3 and #4 have been created to help SHIP staff monitor the progress by agencies in their states and their counselors with entering data on PAM events. REPORT #3 is a report on agencies. The steps to run this report are: 1. Click NPRR reports 2. Then, select “PAM Reports” 3. Click “Report Type” and then select “Activities --- By Agency --- By Activity --- Event Start Date” 4. Click “Submit”
1.Specify the date range for the report 2.Select your state, e.g. Arizona. 3.Select “all of my agencies” under “Agency” 4. Then, click “Submit”
The result is REPORT #3--- a consolidated report (an example shown below) that displays events initiated by all agencies within Arizona, for each month during the period January 1, 2014 through March 31, It also displays a total for individual months during the period. (NOTE: A previous report only displayed one column with totals for an individual agency, all months included).
REPORT #4 is a report on individual contributors / presenters associated with each PAM event by agencies within a state. The steps to run this report are: 1. Click NPRR reports 2. Then, select “PAM Reports” 3. Click “PAM Report Type” and then select “Activities --- Events --- By Presenter / Contributor --- By Activity --- Event Start Date” 4. Click “Submit”
1.Specify the date range for the report 2.Select your state, e.g. Arizona. 3.Select “all of my agencies” under “Agency” 4. Select “All Presenter - Contributor” from the dropdown list of individual Presenters-Contributors. 5. Then, click “Submit”
The result is REPORT #4, a consolidated report (an example shown below) that displays counts of PAM events entered by individual contributors / presenters, for all agencies within Arizona, for each month during the period January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014, and a total for all months during the period. There may be multiple entries for a single agency, but the number of lines (e.g. entries) corresponds to the number of individual presenters / contributors, by name, that were associated with the events of that agency. XXXXXX | XXXXXX (NOTE: Names of presenters / contributors in these columns have been suppressed to protect confidentiality.)
For questions and/or additional assistance, please contact: Technical Frontiers, Inc. Ship NPR Helpdesk , ext. 1.