Lesson 65 Addition of Radical Expressions Weighted Average
Adding Radical Expressions Can only add roots that have the same number inside Example:
Example 65.1 Add:
Example 65.2 Add:
Example 65.3 Add:
Example 65.4 Add:
Weighted Average How do we find average? Weighted average means that we count some of the items more than once to make them affect the average more Some teachers do this!
Example 65.5 Jim’s scores were 60, 70, 80, and 90. What is the weighted average of his scores if the tests were weighted 1, 2, 4, and 6, in that order?
Example 65.6 In the graduate level course Smith R. was taking, each of the three tests were weighted 20% and the final paper was weighted 40%. Smith’s scores on the three tests were 60%, 70%, and 80%. His score on the final paper was 60%. What was Smith’s overall score for the course?