Education In India By: Gabrielle Taormina
Elementary 8 years of free and compulsory education starting at age Large focus on improving female literacy and reaching more rural and low poverty areas. (DPEP 1994/SSA 2001)
Higher Education After year 12 of learning, candidates enroll in 3 year programs. Those interested in engineering, law, and medicine have to go into a 4 to 5 year program, plus a 6 month internship afterwards.
Indian Government and Higher Education Medical Council of India (MCI) Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) Dental Council of India (DCI) Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) Indian Nursing Council (INC) Bar Council of India (BCI) Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH) Central Council for Indian Medicine (CCIM) Council of Architecture Rehabilitation Council State Councils of Higher Education Universities Grants Commission (UGC) Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)
Women and Education Women’s literacy rate is lower than Men’s. Government programs are working on improving female literacy Out of the females that are enrolled, many drop out, Governments agencies say that this is due to inadequate school facilities and the lack of female teachers and curriculum presentations of females being weak and helpless. At present the adult literacy rate of females is 71% of male literacy rate. Enrollment and attendance is 96% of the male attendance rate in primary schools. With regard to secondary schools the women's rate is 83% of the male enrollment rate. In rural and remote areas of the country, women in church have helped significantly with education of women.
sources education.html education.html w_SHV7s&feature=endscreen 9w_SHV7s&feature=endscreen